
层次:所属学校:全国 科目:英语 2022-09-16 15:38:36 英语知识点 阅读写作




1. Mary和Sally的T恤衫都丢了bhD傲朋学习网

2. T恤衫上有长头发bhD傲朋学习网

3. T恤衫口袋里有一张信用卡和一张刘德华的照片bhD傲朋学习网


Oh,look! There is a T-shirt here. It’s a school T-shirt. The owner must be a student.bhD傲朋学习网

Mary and sally lost their T-shirt. Could it be Mary’s or Sally’s? There is long hair on the T-shirt. But both of them have long hair. There is a photo of Liu Dehua in the pocket. Sally likes Liu Dehua very much, but Mary’s favorite star is Sun Yanzi. So, it belongs to sally. There is credit card too. Then, it must be sally’s school T-shirt because she is the only person who has a credit card in our school.bhD傲朋学习网


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