
层次:高二所属学校:全国 科目:英语 2023-08-29 11:27:28 英语知识点




1、不定式做主语一般表示具体的某次动作。===动名词doing 表示习惯的,经常的动作。VaS傲朋学习网

e.g: To finish the building in a month is difficult.VaS傲朋学习网

To do such things is foolish.VaS傲朋学习网

To see is to believe. (对等)VaS傲朋学习网

注: 1). 不定式作主语时,谓语用单数VaS傲朋学习网

2). 当主语较长,谓语较短时,常用it做形式主语,而将不定式放到谓语的后面。VaS傲朋学习网


(1)It is/was +adj.+of sb. to do…VaS傲朋学习网

(2) It is +adj.+for sb.+to do…VaS傲朋学习网

It is easy / difficult / hard / foolish / unwise / right / wrong / unnecessaryVaS傲朋学习网

(3) it is +a +名词+ to do...VaS傲朋学习网

It is a pity / a pleasure / a pleasant thing / one’s duty / an honor / a shame / a crime / no easy job… to doVaS傲朋学习网

It takes (sb.) some time / courage / patience …to do…VaS傲朋学习网

It requires courage / patience / hard work… to do…VaS傲朋学习网

*注意: probable 和 possible 均可作表语,但possible可以用不定式作真实主语, 而probable不能用不定式作真实主语。VaS傲朋学习网

It is probable for him to come to the meeting.(错)VaS傲朋学习网

It is possible for him to come to the meeting.VaS傲朋学习网

It is possible / probable that he will come to the meeting.VaS傲朋学习网


主语是以aim duty hope idea intention plan job suggestion wish purpose task 等为中心词的名词词组 或以 what 引导的名词性从句表示,后面的不定式说明其内容, 不定式作表语常表示将来或现在的动作或状态。VaS傲朋学习网

eg :My idea is to climb the mountain from the north.VaS傲朋学习网

Your mistake was not to write that letter.VaS傲朋学习网

What I would suggest is to start work at once.VaS傲朋学习网



ask, agree, care, choose, demand, decide, expect, fail, help, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish等只能用动词不定式作宾语VaS傲朋学习网


想要学习 早打算( want learn plan)VaS傲朋学习网

快准备 有希望( prepare hope wish expect)VaS傲朋学习网

同意否 供选择(agree offer choose)VaS傲朋学习网

决定了 已答应(decide be determined promise)VaS傲朋学习网

尽力去 着手做(manage undertake)VaS傲朋学习网

别拒绝 别假装(refuse pretend)VaS傲朋学习网


e.g.Tom refused to lend me his pen.VaS傲朋学习网

We hope to get there before dark.VaS傲朋学习网

The girl decided to do it herself.VaS傲朋学习网


stop go on remember forgetVaS傲朋学习网

regret try mean can’t helpVaS傲朋学习网

be used to



She found the door broken in when she came back.(宾补与宾语有被动的关系,表一种状态。)VaS傲朋学习网

一. 过去分词用在表状态的动词keep,leave等的后面。VaS傲朋学习网

Eg:They kept the door locked for a long time.VaS傲朋学习网

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.(谚语:少说多看)VaS傲朋学习网

Don't leave such an important thing undone.VaS傲朋学习网

Don't leave the windows broken like this all the time.VaS傲朋学习网

二.过分词用在get,have,make, 的后面。VaS傲朋学习网

1.注意“have +宾语+过去分词”的两种情况:VaS傲朋学习网


eg: I have had my bike repaired.VaS傲朋学习网

The villagers had many trees planted just then.VaS傲朋学习网

B)表"遭遇到某种不幸,受到打击/受....影响,蒙受..... 损失"VaS傲朋学习网

Eg:I had my wallet stolen on a bus last month.VaS傲朋学习网

The old man had his leg broken in the accident.VaS傲朋学习网

He had his leg broken in the match yesterday.(MET1986)VaS傲朋学习网


They managed to make themselves understood in very simple English.VaS傲朋学习网

I raised my voice to make myself heard.VaS傲朋学习网

三、过去分词用在感观动词watch,notice,see,hear,listen to ,feel,find等后面。如VaS傲朋学习网

When we got to school,we saw the door locked.VaS傲朋学习网

We can hear the windows beaten by the heavy rain drops.VaS傲朋学习网

He felt himself cheated.VaS傲朋学习网

The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see carried out the next year.(NMET2000)VaS傲朋学习网

四、过去分词用在want,wish,like ,expect等表示“希望,愿望”这一类动词后面做宾补。如VaS傲朋学习网

The boss wouldn't like the problem discussed at the moment.VaS傲朋学习网

I would like my house painted white.VaS傲朋学习网

I want the suit made to his own measure.VaS傲朋学习网

I wish the problem settled.VaS傲朋学习网

五、过去分词用在“with +宾语+宾补”这一结构中,过去分词与宾语之间是动宾关系。如:VaS傲朋学习网

The thief was brought in with his hands tied behind his back.VaS傲朋学习网

With many brightly-coloured flowers planted around the building ,his house looks like a beautiful garden.VaS傲朋学习网

With everything well arranged,he left the office.VaS傲朋学习网




不定式作宾补: 表一个完成的动作、或表一个很短时间内看到、听到或感觉到的具体动作。VaS傲朋学习网

eg:He didn't notice me waiting.VaS傲朋学习网

I heard the song sung in English.VaS傲朋学习网

I saw him opening the window.VaS傲朋学习网

I saw the window opened.VaS傲朋学习网

I saw him open the window.VaS傲朋学习网

I heard her sing the song in English.


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