
层次:高三所属学校:全国 科目:英语 2022-05-26 12:12:21







  to be honest(about it/with you)说实话,老实说。9BS傲朋学习网


  compete in 参加比赛9BS傲朋学习网

  compete with sb for sth/against 与某人竞争某物9BS傲朋学习网

  compete for 为……而竞争9BS傲朋学习网




  a host of/hosts of 大量,许多9BS傲朋学习网






  admit of留有……余地,有……可能9BS傲朋学习网

  admit to(doing)sth承认/招认做了某事9BS傲朋学习网


  表示“代替”,相当于take the place of9BS傲朋学习网









  at(the)root实质上,本质上 get at the root of 从根本上解决9BS傲朋学习网

  root and branch彻底,完全9BS傲朋学习网



  relate to 涉及……,跟……有关,与……相好。9BS傲朋学习网

  relate …to/with…把……与……联系起来。9BS傲朋学习网



  sail for与sail to后接某个地方,但sail for是朝目的地航行;sail to则指航行到目的地。9BS傲朋学习网

  plain/smooth sailing 一帆风顺,轻而易举9BS傲朋学习网

  sail through 一蹴而就,容易完成9BS傲朋学习网

  sail in the same boat情况(处境)相同



  与get take hold keep pull tear tell连用,作它们的宾语补足语,表示“分离,隔开”。9BS傲朋学习网

  apart from 除了……之外都,全,没有;除去;不只。9BS傲朋学习网

  joking apart 说正经的9BS傲朋学习网



  be a trial to“令人讨厌的人或者是物”。9BS傲朋学习网

  on trial表示“犯人在受审中‘在试用期中使用某人;在试验中;实验性的”。9BS傲朋学习网

  bring sb to trial 审判 put sb no(the)trial将某人交付审判9BS傲朋学习网

  put sth to trial试验某物9BS傲朋学习网


  表示“考虑”时,后接名词,代词,V-ing形式,从句或者是问句+to do9BS傲朋学习网

  表示“认为”时(没有进行时)后接从句,sb/sth+to be,名词或者形容词,sb/sth+as。9BS傲朋学习网




  prove out被证明有预期的效果,有预见之结果。9BS傲朋学习网


  have sb do sth 使/让某人做某事(do是to do的省略)9BS傲朋学习网

  have…to do 有……需要……(to do 做定语修饰前面的名词)9BS傲朋学习网


  6)at war正在交战9BS傲朋学习网


  at peace 处于和平状态 at work 在工作 at table 在吃饭 at school 在上学 at rest 在休息 at risk 处于危险境地


  1. Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was.9BS傲朋学习网



  [答]作连词,表示比较。又如:My hometown is no longer the same as it was. 我的家乡同过去不一样了。9BS傲朋学习网

  2. if we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat. 如果我们要跟上现代生活的步伐,我们学会正确的选择吃什么以及怎么吃。9BS傲朋学习网


  [答]这里if引导的是条件状语从句,we had better ...是主句,what and how we eat 是宾语从句做about的宾语。keep up with 赶上,跟上,had better。9BS傲朋学习网

  3. When we choose what to buy and eat, we had better think if the food will give us the nutrients we need. 当我们选择我们想要买和想要吃东西的时候,我们想一想这些食物是否提供了我们所需要的 营养。9BS傲朋学习网


  [答]对。when..., 是时间状语从句;if...是宾语从句;we need是定语从句。9BS傲朋学习网

  4. Some nutrients help build our body and amke it stronger. 一些食物有助于我们增强体魄。9BS傲朋学习网

  [问]build our body and make it stronger 一起做help的宾语吗?9BS傲朋学习网


  5. Caicium, which is found in eggs, milk and other dairy products, is good for our bones and teeth.9BS傲朋学习网

  [问]which is found in eggs, milk and other dairy product 是定语从句吗?9BS傲朋学习网


  6. Other nutrients help keep our body functioning well. 其他的营养物有助于我们的身体正常运转。9BS傲朋学习网



  7. But the choices we make are not just about nutrion. 但是,我们做出的选择不仅是营养方面的。9BS傲朋学习网

  [问]we make 又是定语从句?9BS傲朋学习网

  [答]是的。make choices 是“作出选择”的意思。引导词which/that 作宾语,可以省去。9BS傲朋学习网

  8. Eating habits become part of who we are: people become vegetarians either because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or because they so not think we should kill animals for food.9BS傲朋学习网



  [答]主句是:Eating habits become part of who we are. Eather..., or... 引导两个because 原因状语从句。9BS傲朋学习网

  9. We also make choices based on how the products are grown or made: environmentally friendly foods, or "eco-foods", are made by companies who have tried to use green and clean ways to make the foods. 我们对产品的作出的选择还决定于生产和加工方式,要是环保性的或者说是生态性的食物,是厂家用绿色而又清洁的方式生产出来的食物。9BS傲朋学习网


  [答]对。that are grown without chemicals 做vegetables 的定语;that can be harmful to human beings and the environment 做chemicals 的定语。


  1.calculate v.计算9BS傲朋学习网

  2.calculator n.计算器9BS傲朋学习网

  3.common adj.共同的;共有的9BS傲朋学习网

  4.analytical adj.分析的9BS傲朋学习网

  5.simple-minded adj.头脑简单的;笨的9BS傲朋学习网

  6.technology n.工艺;科技;技术9BS傲朋学习网

  7.technological adj.科技的9BS傲朋学习网

  8.revolution n.革命9BS傲朋学习网

  9.universal adj.宇宙的;普遍的;通用的9BS傲朋学习网

  10.mathematical adj.数学的9BS傲朋学习网

  11.artificial adj.人造的;假的9BS傲朋学习网

  12.intelligence n.智力;聪明;智能9BS傲朋学习网

  13.anyway adv.无论如何;总之9BS傲朋学习网

  14.totally adv.完全地;整个地9BS傲朋学习网

  15.advantage n.优点;优势;有利条件9BS傲朋学习网

  16.disadvantage n.缺点;劣势;不利条件9BS傲朋学习网

  17.type n. 类型9BS傲朋学习网

  18.disagree v.不同意;不一致9BS傲朋学习网

  19.choice n.选择;抉择9BS傲朋学习网

  20.material n.材料;原料9BS傲朋学习网

  21.personally adv.亲自地;就本人而论9BS傲朋学习网

  22.create v.创造;创作;造成9BS傲朋学习网

  23.move n.步骤;行动;动作9BS傲朋学习网

  24.arise v.出现;发生9BS傲朋学习网

  25.mop n.拖把9BS傲朋学习网

  26.wander v.漫步;徘徊;迷路


  1. the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会9BS傲朋学习网

  2. compete in …compete with other countries for world market 与其它国家竞争国际市场9BS傲朋学习网

  compete in a race 参加赛跑9BS傲朋学习网

  compete with [against] sb. for sth. 与某人竞争而获得某物9BS傲朋学习网

  Our Greek cities used to compete against each other just for the honour of winning.我们希腊各个城市之间曾经为了荣誉而彼此之间相互竞争。9BS傲朋学习网

  3. take part in 参加9BS傲朋学习网

  We all had to take part in the training run, with nobody excepted.9BS傲朋学习网

  我们大家都得参加跑步训练, 无人例外.9BS傲朋学习网

  4. What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for? 奥运旗帜上的五环代表什么?9BS傲朋学习网

  stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;拥护;容忍;允许9BS傲朋学习网

  What does "ESL" stand for? "ESL"代表什么?9BS傲朋学习网

  I won't stand for his insults any longer. 我再不能容忍他的污辱了。9BS傲朋学习网

  5. the official mascots for the Beijing Olympics 北京奥运会吉祥物9BS傲朋学习网

  Fuwa,the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carry a message of friendship ,peace and good wishes from China to children all over the world.9BS傲朋学习网


  6. come on a magical journey 做梦幻之游come on (表劝说,鼓励等)来吧,走吧;开始9BS傲朋学习网

  His French has come on a lot since he joined the conversation class.9BS傲朋学习网


  7. (a) volunteer for (……志愿者)志愿做……9BS傲朋学习网

  Don't volunteer for more than you can handle. 别做力不能及的事情。9BS傲朋学习网

  I want to be a volunteer for 2008 Beijing Olympics.9BS傲朋学习网


  8. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and used to write about the Olympics a long time ago 我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”,我曾经写过很久以前奥林匹克运动会的情况。9BS傲朋学习网

  We used to keep in touch with each other by writing letters.我们过去常写信联系对方。9BS傲朋学习网

  I am used to reading stories to my daughter every night and she enjoys it.我习惯了每天给女儿讲故事,她也非常喜欢这样做。9BS傲朋学习网

  Wood can be used to make furniture. 木头能用来做家具。9BS傲朋学习网

  There used to be a temple at the place where our school stands now.在我们学校所在之处过去有一座庙。9BS傲朋学习网

  9. …and both are held every four years on a regular basis. 两个都是定期每四年举行一次。9BS傲朋学习网

  on a regular basis 定期地He comes to visit us on a regular basis.他定期来看望我们。9BS傲朋学习网

  10. Only atheletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. 只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参见奥运会。9BS傲朋学习网

  I am sure that he will be admitted to Beijing University this summer. 我肯定他今年夏天将被北京大学录取。9BS傲朋学习网

  This ticket admits two people to the football match. 这张票可供两人入场看足球赛。9BS傲朋学习网

  The cinema admits about 2000 people.这座XX大约可坐 2000 人。9BS傲朋学习网

  The rules and regulations admit of no other explanation.这些规章制度不容许有其他解释。9BS傲朋学习网

  His illness admits of no delay.他的病不容拖延。9BS傲朋学习网

  He never admits that he is wrong. 他从不承认自己错了。9BS傲朋学习网

  John has admitted breaking the window. 约翰已承认打碎了窗子。9BS傲朋学习网

  11. It is in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with swimming, sailing, and all the team sports.跑步、游泳、划船和所有团队项目是在夏季奥运会上进行的。9BS傲朋学习网

  12. No other counries could join in, nor could slaves or women. 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。9BS傲朋学习网

  13. Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics…妇女不仅允许参加,而且她们还在体操比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用。9BS傲朋学习网

  14. as well 也;又;同样9BS傲朋学习网

  as well as (除...之外)也,既...又9BS傲朋学习网

  conj. 以及,又9BS傲朋学习网

  I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well.9BS傲朋学习网


  A teacher should entertain as well as teach.教师不仅要教书,也要激起学生的兴趣。9BS傲朋学习网

  15 There is as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样地激烈。9BS傲朋学习网

  16. So even the olive wreath has been replaced. 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了。9BS傲朋学习网

  David will replace Mike in next week’s tennis competition. 大卫将代替迈克参加下周的网球赛。9BS傲朋学习网

  The broken parts of the machine must be replaced, otherwise we can’t continue our work. 这些损害的机器部件必须得换,否则我们无法继续工作。9BS傲朋学习网

  I have owned my car for almost ten years. This year I’ll replace it with a new one. 我的汽车用了差不多十年了,今年我要换一辆新车。9BS傲朋学习网

  Would you replace the magazine after reading it? 读完杂志后把它放回原处好么?9BS傲朋学习网

  17. Put forward your ideas and give reasons for your choice. 提出你的观点并给出你选择的原因。put forward 呈上;提出;提前;拨快(钟表)9BS傲朋学习网


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