
层次:高三所属学校:全国 科目:英语 2022-05-25 15:29:46



1. look into 调查6HC傲朋学习网

2. insist on/upon sth/doing 坚持做,坚决做6HC傲朋学习网

3. belong to 属于6HC傲朋学习网

4. get /be lost ; be missing 迷路,丢失6HC傲朋学习网

5. do with 处理;对付6HC傲朋学习网

6. in search of ;in the/one’s search for 寻找6HC傲朋学习网

7. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事6HC傲朋学习网

8. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事6HC傲朋学习网

9. be made into . . . 被制成;6HC傲朋学习网

be made of /from 用…制成(看得见原材料/看不见原材料)6HC傲朋学习网

be made for 为…制作6HC傲朋学习网

be made up of 由…组成6HC傲朋学习网

10. be of +抽象名词=be+该词的形容词6HC傲朋学习网

“be of +名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征6HC傲朋学习网

be of a(n) / the / the same “属于, 归于”6HC傲朋学习网

be of the size / weight / height / age / colour / kind…6HC傲朋学习网

11. work of amber art 琥珀艺术品.6HC傲朋学习网

12. as a gift of 作为…的礼物6HC傲朋学习网

13. in return 作为报答6HC傲朋学习网

14. become part of 成为…的一部分6HC傲朋学习网

15. serve as 充当,用作6HC傲朋学习网

16. add…to… 添加…到…6HC傲朋学习网

17. great wonders of the world 世界上的伟大奇迹6HC傲朋学习网

18. be at war 处于交战状态6HC傲朋学习网

19. less than 少于6HC傲朋学习网

20. no doubt 毫无疑问6HC傲朋学习网

21. remain a mystery 仍然是个迷6HC傲朋学习网

22. take apart 拆开6HC傲朋学习网

23. rather than 胜于, 而不是6HC傲朋学习网

25. tell the truth 说实话6HC傲朋学习网

26. pretend to do sth 假装做某事6HC傲朋学习网

27. give an example from your own life 举一个你生活中的例子6HC傲朋学习网

28. think highly of 看重,重视6HC傲朋学习网

29. search for =look for6HC傲朋学习网

30. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见6HC傲朋学习网

31.情态动词(could /might /must /should) +have done6HC傲朋学习网


32. have sth. done 表示 “请人做某事” “使遭遇某种(不幸的)事情”


1 take part in/join in 参加6HC傲朋学习网

2 the spirit of 精神、宗旨、灵魂6HC傲朋学习网

3 used to 过去常常6HC傲朋学习网

4 find out 查明,找出6HC傲朋学习网

5 every four years 每四年,每隔三年6HC傲朋学习网

6 two sets of 两套,两组6HC傲朋学习网

7 allow sb. in(out) 允许进入(出去);6HC傲朋学习网

8 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do)6HC傲朋学习网

9 allow doing sth. 允许干某事。6HC傲朋学习网

10 be/get married(强调状态)+ to(不能用with) sb 和……结婚6HC傲朋学习网

11 a set of 一套,一组6HC傲朋学习网

12 compete in… 在某方面竞争6HC傲朋学习网

13 compete for… 为……而竞争6HC傲朋学习网

14 compete with/against 与……竞争6HC傲朋学习网

15 be admitted to 获准做某事6HC傲朋学习网

16 be admitted as 作为…被接受6HC傲朋学习网

17 reach the standard 达到……水平、标准6HC傲朋学习网

18 play an important role/part in 在…方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用)6HC傲朋学习网

19 as well as 和……一样6HC傲朋学习网

20 thank you for your time 感谢您(能抽空……)6HC傲朋学习网

21 come from the same root 同根6HC傲朋学习网

22 have (no) chance of doing sth. 有(没)做……的机会6HC傲朋学习网

23 go with 伴随,与……搭配6HC傲朋学习网

24 relate…to… 把……与关联起来6HC傲朋学习网

25 relate with 和……有关6HC傲朋学习网

26 run against… 和……赛跑6HC傲朋学习网

27 hear of 听说6HC傲朋学习网

28 make sure 确定6HC傲朋学习网

29 take turns 轮流6HC傲朋学习网

30 one after another 一个接一个6HC傲朋学习网

31 make sure +that clause 确定


1. sound simple 听起来简单6HC傲朋学习网

2. a technological revolution 技术革命6HC傲朋学习网

3. artificial intelligence 人工智能6HC傲朋学习网

4. begin as 作为…开始6HC傲朋学习网

5. solve/settle a problem 解决问题6HC傲朋学习网

6. a simple-minded man 一个头脑简单的人6HC傲朋学习网

7. mathematical problem 数学问题6HC傲朋学习网

8. be totally changed 被完全改变了6HC傲朋学习网

9. share information with 与…信息共享6HC傲朋学习网

10. serve the human race 为人类服务6HC傲朋学习网

11. common knowledge 常识6HC傲朋学习网

12. deal with 处理6HC傲朋学习网

13. in my opinion 在我看来6HC傲朋学习网

14. public opinion 公众舆论6HC傲朋学习网

15 an analytical method 分析法6HC傲朋学习网

16. share a room with 与…共居一室6HC傲朋学习网

17. connect with 与…有关6HC傲朋学习网

18. go by (从…旁)走过6HC傲朋学习网

19. bring into effect 使生效6HC傲朋学习网

20. the common people 老百姓6HC傲朋学习网

21. get together 聚集6HC傲朋学习网

22. after all 毕竟6HC傲朋学习网

23. with the help of 在…的帮助下6HC傲朋学习网

24. make up 编造,化妆6HC傲朋学习网

25. a personal letter 私人信件6HC傲朋学习网

26. watch over 看守,监视6HC傲朋学习网

27. have a good time 玩得愉快6HC傲朋学习网

28. once a year 一年一度6HC傲朋学习网

29. make a decision 做出决定6HC傲朋学习网

30. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人干某事6HC傲朋学习网

31. building materials 建筑材料6HC傲朋学习网

32. in fact 事实上6HC傲朋学习网

33. create a new building 创建一栋新楼6HC傲朋学习网

34. in a way 在某种程度上



upset ignore friendship nature solve6HC傲朋学习网

thunder cheat share series dare6HC傲朋学习网

power trust suffer quiz survey6HC傲朋学习网

situation habit loose gossip grateful6HC傲朋学习网

highway culture spirit community selfish6HC傲朋学习网

recover understand favorite settle background6HC傲朋学习网

discover entirely point experience6HC傲朋学习网


calm down be concerned about make a list of6HC傲朋学习网

be crazy about according to get along with6HC傲朋学习网

fall in love try out add up6HC傲朋学习网

share sth. with sb. go through a series of6HC傲朋学习网

on purpose join in communicate with6HC傲朋学习网

face to face happen to do at dusk6HC傲朋学习网

stay away set down hide away6HC傲朋学习网

laugh at go on holiday walk the dog6HC傲朋学习网

live in peace get tired of



Include international native modern vocabulary6HC傲朋学习网

culture actually rule latter elevator/lift6HC傲朋学习网

usage identity government command petrol/gas6HC傲朋学习网

request polite standard recognize apartment/flat6HC傲朋学习网

accent direction block official voyage6HC傲朋学习网

conquer gradually enrich especially rapidly6HC傲朋学习网

spelling settle/settler6HC傲朋学习网


play a role (in) play a part(in) even if6HC傲朋学习网

be based on from one place to another the same…as…6HC傲朋学习网

such as make use of at present6HC傲朋学习网

no longer come up to the number of6HC傲朋学习网


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