
层次:高三所属学校:全国 科目:英语 2022-05-25 12:21:44



beard n.(下巴上的)胡须;络腮胡子Jxv傲朋学习网

cheetah n.猎豹Jxv傲朋学习网

sailfish n.旗鱼;姥鲛Jxv傲朋学习网

voyager n.航行者;航海者;航天者Jxv傲朋学习网

tight adj.紧的;难解开的;紧密的Jxv傲朋学习网

tightrope n.绷紧的绳索或钢丝Jxv傲朋学习网

gorge n.峡谷Jxv傲朋学习网

edition n.版本;版次Jxv傲朋学习网

moustache n.髭;八字须;小胡子Jxv傲朋学习网

Urumqi n.乌鲁本齐Jxv傲朋学习网

brewery n.啤酒厂Jxv傲朋学习网

conclude vt.结束时说;(经推理)相信;达成 vi 结束Jxv傲朋学习网

hire vt.雇佣;租用Jxv傲朋学习网

send in 寄送某处进行处理Jxv傲朋学习网

set down 记下;写下Jxv傲朋学习网

feat n.技艺;功绩;伟业Jxv傲朋学习网

length n.长度;长


Can you cash this check for me?你能替我兑现这张支票吗?Jxv傲朋学习网

I'd like to have this check turned to cash.我想将这张支票换成现金。Jxv傲朋学习网

I'd like to loan some money.我想贷点钱。Jxv傲朋学习网

I'm here for some financing.我是为了一点融资而来。Jxv傲朋学习网

I need the bank to finance something.我需要银行提供某件东西的贷款。


The hotel is at the end of that street.宾馆就在街道的尽头。Jxv傲朋学习网

How long will it take to get there?去那儿得多长时间?Jxv傲朋学习网

About 10 minutes.大约得走10分钟。Jxv傲朋学习网

Thanks a lot.多谢。Jxv傲朋学习网

Could you tell me where the nearest bus station is?你能告诉我最近的汽车站在哪儿吗?Jxv傲朋学习网

Isn't there a public pool near here?这附近有没有公共游泳池?Jxv傲朋学习网

Where is Chinatown?中国城在哪里?Jxv傲朋学习网

Would you show me the way to the station.你能告诉我去车站的路吗?Jxv傲朋学习网

Are you ready to order now, sir?先生,你准备点菜吗?Jxv傲朋学习网

Yes, I am. I'd like some wine and roast duck.是的。我想要些酒和烤鸭。


Take care, and have a nice flight.请保重!祝你一路顺风!Jxv傲朋学习网

Thank you for taking care of me here.多谢您的周到招待。Jxv傲朋学习网

I really appreciate all of your hospitality.十分感谢您的款待。Jxv傲朋学习网

Here's something for you.这有东西送你。Jxv傲朋学习网

Please accept these gifts with my thanks.请接受这些礼物以表达我的谢意。Jxv傲朋学习网

Have a safe trip back.祝您平安返家。Jxv傲朋学习网

Have a nice flight.祝您一路顺风。Jxv傲朋学习网

Take care on your way back.回程保重了。Jxv傲朋学习网

Happy langings!一路顺风!Jxv傲朋学习网

Good morning, sir. May I help you?早安,先生。能为您服务吗?


be / get / become used to 习惯于Jxv傲朋学习网

be given to 喜欢;癖好Jxv傲朋学习网

be related to 与…有关系Jxv傲朋学习网

be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾Jxv傲朋学习网

be opposed to 反对Jxv傲朋学习网

devote oneself to献身于;专心于Jxv傲朋学习网

be devoted to 致力于;忠诚于Jxv傲朋学习网

be admitted to 被…录取;准进入Jxv傲朋学习网

be reduced to 沦为Jxv傲朋学习网



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