
层次:所属学校:全国 科目:英语 2023-02-22 01:57:08 英语知识点



  festival n. 节日 custom n. 风俗习惯zcs傲朋学习网

  habit n. 习惯 symbol n. 象征zcs傲朋学习网

  describe v. 描述 favorite adj. 喜欢的zcs傲朋学习网

  allow vt. 允许 argument n. 争辩zcs傲朋学习网

  celebrate v. 庆祝 major adj. 主要的zcs傲朋学习网

  characteristic n. 特征 principle n. 原则zcs傲朋学习网

  community n. 社区;团体 self-determination n. 自我作决定zcs傲朋学习网

  solve vt. 解决 faith n. 真诚zcs傲朋学习网



  1. 先行词是不定代词。zcs傲朋学习网

  例句:Please tell me everything that happened to you.zcs傲朋学习网

  2. 先行词被形容词级、序数词或only, last, same, very等修饰。zcs傲朋学习网

  例句:   zcs傲朋学习网

  ①This is the most interesting movie that I have ever seen.zcs傲朋学习网

  ②This is the only book that I read during the summer holiday.zcs傲朋学习网

  3. 先行词既包括人又包括物。例句:She talked about the writer and his works that interested her.zcs傲朋学习网


  1. 非限制性定语从句中。zcs傲朋学习网

  例句:He said he could speak three foreign languages, which is not true.zcs傲朋学习网

  2. 先行词本身是that。zcs傲朋学习网

  例句:I have that which you gave me.zcs傲朋学习网

  3. “介词+ 关系代词”结构。zcs傲朋学习网

  例句:The person to whom I talked just now is Tom.zcs傲朋学习网


  1. 强调动作还未结束时, 多用现在完成进行时;强调动作的结果时, 多用现在完成时。例句:zcs傲朋学习网

  ①I have been painting the paining. (强调“一直在画”这个动作)zcs傲朋学习网

  ②I have painted the painting. (强调“画完了”这个结果)zcs傲朋学习网

  2. 有些动词不能用在现在完成进行时中,但可用在现在完成时中。如:have, love, see等。例句:zcs傲朋学习网

  ①She has had a cold for a week.zcs傲朋学习网

  ②They have loved each other for three years.zcs傲朋学习网

  ③I have seen this movie.zcs傲朋学习网



  1.some用于肯定句以及表示建议或期待得到肯定回答的问句。修饰单数名词时,意为某个。如:I have some questions about the assignment. (希望得到肯定答复)。zcs傲朋学习网

  2. any用于否定句和疑问句时,表示一些。用于肯定句时,只和单数名词或不可数名词连用,表示任何。如:The medicine is on sale every where. You can get it at any chemist?s.zcs傲朋学习网

  (二) 、 each与every的用法zcs傲朋学习网

  1. each强调个体,表示两个或两个以上中的每一个,在句中可充当主语、宾语、定语和同位语。如:There are trees and flowers at each side of the road.zcs傲朋学习网

  2. every强调整体,表示三者或三者以上中的每一个,只能作定语,不能说every of them,要说every one of them .Every student in our class works hard.zcs傲朋学习网

  (三)、 no one与none的用法zcs傲朋学习网

  1. no one意为没有人,只能指人,不能指物,不可与介词of连用,谓语动词用单数形式,回答who引导的问句。如:Who is in the classroom? No one.zcs傲朋学习网

  2. none既可指人,也可指物,强调数量,意为一点也不,一个也不;谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数;常与of连用,通常指三者以上的人或物中没有一个,回答how much和how many引导的问句。如:They were all tired,but none of them would stop to have a rest.zcs傲朋学习网


  go wrongzcs傲朋学习网


  (2)失败;不顺利All our plans went wrong. / Everything went wrong in those days.zcs傲朋学习网

  (3)发生故障The clock went wrong.zcs傲朋学习网


  (1) go表示由积极向消极方面变化Fish soon goes bad in hot weather.又如:go mad / pale / blind / hungryzcs傲朋学习网

  (2) become / get表示由积极向消极或消极向积极方zcs傲朋学习网

  面变化The weather is getting quite warm. / Gradually he became silent.zcs傲朋学习网

  (3) turn多接表颜色的词This ink turns black when it dries. / He used to be a teacher till he turned writer.zcs傲朋学习网

  注意:become a writerzcs傲朋学习网

  (4) grow侧重变化过程The sea is growing calm.zcs傲朋学习网

  (5) fall进入某种状态All three children fell asleep.zcs傲朋学习网




  [例句] He is reading a newspaper now.zcs傲朋学习网


  [例句] What are you doing these days?zcs傲朋学习网

  3.表示说话人现在对主语的行为表示赞叹或厌恶等,常与always, constantly, continually等副词连用。zcs傲朋学习网

  [例句] He is always thinking of others.zcs傲朋学习网

  4.表示在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。常限于go, come, leave, start, arrive等表“移动”、“方向”的词。zcs傲朋学习网

  [例句] He is coming to see me next week.zcs傲朋学习网



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