
所属学校:全国通用 科目:华东石油大学 2013-10-07 18:28:00


1.  A fire ___________ in the hotel in the mid-night.LKn傲朋学习网

A. broke outLKn傲朋学习网

B. broke inLKn傲朋学习网

C. broke downbroke downLKn傲朋学习网

D. broke intoLKn傲朋学习网


2.  He __________ some comfort from the fact that he wasn’t the only one to fail the exam.LKn傲朋学习网

A. derivedLKn傲朋学习网

B. arrivedLKn傲朋学习网

C. survived survivedLKn傲朋学习网

D. definedLKn傲朋学习网


3.  He is certain to come. ___________, he’s already accepted the invitation.LKn傲朋学习网

A. At allLKn傲朋学习网

B. After allLKn傲朋学习网

C. Above all Above allLKn傲朋学习网

D. In allLKn傲朋学习网


4.  He didn't know which room ________.LKn傲朋学习网

A. they livedLKn傲朋学习网

B. they lived inLKn傲朋学习网

C. did they livedid they liveLKn傲朋学习网

D. did they live inLKn傲朋学习网


5.  Only when we had studied the data again ____________ that there was a mistake.LKn傲朋学习网

A. did we realizeLKn傲朋学习网

B. we realizedLKn傲朋学习网

C. we have realizedwe have realizedLKn傲朋学习网

D. we had realizedLKn傲朋学习网


6.  Seize the chance, __________ you will regret it.LKn傲朋学习网

A. andLKn傲朋学习网

B. butLKn傲朋学习网

C. therefore thereforeLKn傲朋学习网

D. otherwiseLKn傲朋学习网


7.  According to the report this serious earthquake is ________ of causing major damage in this region.LKn傲朋学习网

A. capableLKn傲朋学习网

B. qualifiedLKn傲朋学习网

C. adequateadequateLKn傲朋学习网

D. ableLKn傲朋学习网


8.  We must do well____________the boss assigns us to do.LKn傲朋学习网

A. thatLKn傲朋学习网

B. whateverLKn傲朋学习网

C. whicheverwhicheverLKn傲朋学习网

D. thoseLKn傲朋学习网


9.  ____________we need more practice is quite clear.LKn傲朋学习网

A. WhatLKn傲朋学习网

B. ThatLKn傲朋学习网

C. WhichWhichLKn傲朋学习网

D. WhenLKn傲朋学习网


10.  The car ____________ after an hour’s driving.LKn傲朋学习网

A. broke downLKn傲朋学习网

B. broke outLKn傲朋学习网

C. broke intobroke intoLKn傲朋学习网

D. broke upLKn傲朋学习网


11.  One of the men held the view ________ the book said was right.LKn傲朋学习网

A. what thatLKn傲朋学习网

B. that whatLKn傲朋学习网

C. that whichthat whichLKn傲朋学习网

D. which thatLKn傲朋学习网


12.  ________ is no reason for dismissing her.LKn傲朋学习网

A. Because she was a few minutes lateLKn傲朋学习网

B. Owing to a few minutes lateLKn傲朋学习网

C. The fact that she was a few minutes lateThe fact that she was a few minutes lateLKn傲朋学习网

D. Being a few minutes lateLKn傲朋学习网


13.  Word has come____________some guests from Canada will visit our school.LKn傲朋学习网

A. thatLKn傲朋学习网

B. whatLKn傲朋学习网

C. whether whetherLKn傲朋学习网

D. whenLKn傲朋学习网


14.  His _____________ on this matter is unexpected.LKn傲朋学习网

A. actionLKn傲朋学习网

B. reactionLKn傲朋学习网

C. response responseLKn傲朋学习网

D. attitudeLKn傲朋学习网


15.  Our new policy is to ________ on developing these remote areas.LKn傲朋学习网

A. aimLKn傲朋学习网

B. carryLKn傲朋学习网

C. focusfocusLKn傲朋学习网

D. resortLKn傲朋学习网


16.  Excuse me, would you please tell me ________ ?LKn傲朋学习网

A. when the sports meet is taken placeLKn傲朋学习网

B. when is the sports meet going to be heldLKn傲朋学习网

C. when is the sports meet to beginwhen is the sports meet to beginLKn傲朋学习网

D. when the sports meet is to take placeLKn傲朋学习网


17.  I have not found my book yet. In fact, I'm not sure ____________ I could have done with it.LKn傲朋学习网

A. ifLKn傲朋学习网

B. whetherLKn傲朋学习网

C. howhowLKn傲朋学习网

D. whatLKn傲朋学习网


18.  If you want to know his telephone number, you may ________ the telephone directory.LKn傲朋学习网

A. look forLKn傲朋学习网

B. look upLKn傲朋学习网

C. refer torefer toLKn傲朋学习网

D. refer asLKn傲朋学习网


19.  We don't doubt ____________ he can make a good job of it.LKn傲朋学习网

A. ifLKn傲朋学习网

B. thatLKn傲朋学习网

C. whatwhatLKn傲朋学习网

D. whyLKn傲朋学习网


20.  ________ makes mistakes must correct them.LKn傲朋学习网

A. WhatLKn傲朋学习网

B. ThatLKn傲朋学习网

C. Whoever WhoeverLKn傲朋学习网

D. WhateverLKn傲朋学习网


21.  Is this ________ we met each other two years agoLKn傲朋学习网

A. placeLKn傲朋学习网

B. place in whichLKn傲朋学习网

C. where whereLKn傲朋学习网

D. place whichLKn傲朋学习网


22.  The company _________ the children in the mountain area ______ a lot of books.LKn傲朋学习网

A. supplies …. for …LKn傲朋学习网

B. provides… to…LKn傲朋学习网

C. supplies… with…supplies… with…LKn傲朋学习网

D. cater…to…LKn傲朋学习网


23.  You can't imagine____________when they received these gifts.LKn傲朋学习网

A. how they were excitedLKn傲朋学习网

B. how excited they wereLKn傲朋学习网

C. how excited they havehow excited they haveLKn傲朋学习网

D. they were how excitedLKn傲朋学习网


24.  The reason I plan to go is ____________if I don't.LKn傲朋学习网

A. because she will be unhappyLKn傲朋学习网

B. what she will be unhappyLKn傲朋学习网

C. that she will be unhappy that she will be unhappyLKn傲朋学习网

D. for she will be unhappyLKn傲朋学习网


25.  The music was so loud. That's ____________he left the party so early.LKn傲朋学习网

A. whyLKn傲朋学习网

B. howLKn傲朋学习网

C. whatwhatLKn傲朋学习网

D. whenLKn傲朋学习网



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