0384《 旅游英语》西南大学20春在线作业

所属学校:南开大学 科目: 旅游英语 2020-03-31 17:18:10 在线 作业 英语 旅游 大学
0384 旅游英语WMZ傲朋学习网
1.[单选题]The following are places of historical interest in Xian except   .WMZ傲朋学习网
奥鹏作业答案 WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.Terra Cotta Warriors and HorseWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.Drum TowerWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.Jade Buddha TempleWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.Big Wild Goose PagodaWMZ傲朋学习网
2.[单选题]In the face painting of Peking opera, each color symbolize a certain characteristics, for example , red is for a    character.WMZ傲朋学习网
3.[单选题]The following are celebrations on the lunar New Year’s Eve except          .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.reunion dinnerWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.CCTV Spring Festival GalaWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.eating YuanxiaoWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.setting off fireworksWMZ傲朋学习网
4.[单选题]Yanoda is a Sanya-based theme park featuring        rain forest scenery and the culture of local ethic       people.WMZ傲朋学习网
5.[单选题]For a western dinner, hors d’oeuvres and the baked salmon are most probably         .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.cold dishesWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.main courseWMZ傲朋学习网
6.[单选题]Shanghai food has the following feature except        .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.spicy flavorWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.heavy sauceWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.thick stockWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.sweet tasteWMZ傲朋学习网
7.[单选题]After tourists bought some antiques in the souvenir shop, it is necessary for the cashier to remind them to keep the       because they need to show it to the      officer when they leave.WMZ傲朋学习网
8.[单选题]In Peking opera, face painting is applied to the      role only.WMZ傲朋学习网
9.[单选题]If the guest has some laundry, he may make a telephone call to the housekeeping, later a       may come up to collect the laundry.WMZ傲朋学习网
10.[单选题]The following are celebrations on the lunar New Year’s Eve except          .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.reunion dinnerWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.CCTV Spring Festival GalaWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.eating YuanxiaoWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.letting off firecrackerWMZ傲朋学习网
11.[单选题]Yanoda is a Sanya-based theme park featuring    rain forest scenery and the culture of local ethic    people.WMZ傲朋学习网
12.[单选题]The State of Qin in the Warring State Period was situated in the        and fought      against other states.WMZ傲朋学习网
13.[单选题]The following are places of interest in Sydney except        .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.Bondi BeachWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.Queen Victoria BuildingWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.Darling HarbourWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.the Waikiki BeachWMZ傲朋学习网
14.[单选题]The mezzanine floor of the hotel is______.WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.the fist floorWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.second floorWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.between first and second floorWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.top floorWMZ傲朋学习网
15.[单选题]Travel agents are the_______ of the travel industry.WMZ傲朋学习网
16.[单选题]The following are places of historical interest in Shanghai except        .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.the Temple of HeavenWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.the BundWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.Jade Buddha TempleWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.Yuyuan gardenWMZ傲朋学习网
17.[单选题]In China delicious food is often linked with festival and celebrations. For example, moon cake is eaten during          .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.the spring festivalWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.the mid-autumn festivalWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.the dragon boat festivalWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.the water splashing festivalWMZ傲朋学习网
18.[单选题]Before the tour group take the airplane to leave a country, they should get the following items ready except     .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.lane ticketsWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.group visaWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.boarding passWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.entry cardWMZ傲朋学习网
19.[单选题]The following are meat except        .WMZ傲朋学习网
20.[单选题]If guest would like to have meal in the room, he may contact        .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.housekeeping serviceWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.laundry serviceWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.room serviceWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.shoeshine serviceWMZ傲朋学习网
21.[单选题]When tourist checks in at the front desk in the hotel, the receptionist will do the following except         .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.making a copy of passportWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.asking guest to make signatureWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.giving room cardWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.giving billWMZ傲朋学习网
22.[单选题]I want to take this opportunity to convey our friendship and best        to your family and friends.WMZ傲朋学习网
23.[单选题]Fresh foods, live plants and animals are considered as        , and are not permitted to go through customs.WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.daily articlesWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.dutiable itemsWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.undutiable itemsWMZ傲朋学习网
24.[单选题]The following are places of interest in London except     .WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.the Greenwich ParkWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.the Westminster AbbeyWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.the Diamond HeadWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.the Nat West TowerWMZ傲朋学习网
25.[单选题]The following are vegetables except      .WMZ傲朋学习网
26.[单选题]Billiards and bowling are usually found in the    of the hotel.WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.health clubWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.night clubWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.laundry roomWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.recreation centerWMZ傲朋学习网
27.[单选题]When guest make a telephone call to book a room, reservation clerk should make sure guests following information except     .WMZ傲朋学习网
    B.arrival timeWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.ways of paymentWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.telephone numberWMZ傲朋学习网
28.[单选题]The       officer check tourists’ luggage to see whether they bring any contrabands to enter the countryWMZ傲朋学习网
    A.A. customsWMZ傲朋学习网
29.[单选题]Mount Ali has an elevation of some 3 000 metres above sea level. Here the temperature drops as one ascends higher and higher so that in a short couple of hours one can experience the weather changes in all the four seasons and admire the kind of scenery and plant life peculiar to the climate of, so to say, all the latitudes.WMZ傲朋学习网
A light railway and a highway thread their way uphill through tree-clad slopes to the very summit of Mount Ali. The railway is 72 km long, beginning from the City of Jiayi and terminating at Zhaoping. On its way, the train has to cross 86 bridges, 66 tunnels and more than 30 gully crossings.WMZ傲朋学习网
Travellers in the train crawling its way slowly up the mountain can have a real good time, feasting their eyes on the scenery and chatting to each other as the mood carries them. After the train leaves the North Gate Station of Jiayi, it runs on the plains at the foot of the mountain and one sees through the window lush green bamboo groves and fields of densely grown sugar cane. WMZ傲朋学习网
As the train threads its way in the rugged hilly country crossing one clear stream after another, one would feel as though he had entered a world as ethereal as that in a Chinese landscape painting, passing now a woodland scene and now a secluded ravine with a quiet-flowing mountain brook. The peace of mind one enjoys while traveling in level country is suddenly shattered by the sight of precipitous cliffsides. While the train makes it way in this pictorial world of Mount Ali, travelers cannot help but marvel at the magic wonders of nature and the wisdom and courage of the railway builders.WMZ傲朋学习网
    I.streams and cavesWMZ傲朋学习网
    J.rivers and valleysWMZ傲朋学习网
    BA.steep crossingsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BB.underground roadsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BC.on the plainsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BD.at the foot of the mountainWMZ傲朋学习网
    BE.in hilly placeWMZ傲朋学习网
    BF.in sugar cane fieldsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BG.Chinese landscape paintingsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BH.the peace of mindWMZ傲朋学习网
    BI.a quiet-flowing brookWMZ傲朋学习网
    BJ.a pictorial world of Mount AliWMZ傲朋学习网
30.[单选题]One of the things I really looked forward to in my retirement was the weekly shopping expedition. I imagined pushing the trolley slowly, around the supermarket and picking out odd items that took my fancy. But, alas, my innocent dreams were rudely shattered.WMZ傲朋学习网
First it is necessary to secure a shopping trolley. Carefully designed not only to hold all shapes and sizes of purchases but also all ages and types of small children, a single trolley is hard to get out of the line of trolleys where it is parked. Each trolley defies separation from its fellows without sharp jerks or the assistance of two strong men.WMZ傲朋学习网
The next lesson is that women never follow a logical route when shopping. Your wife has disappeared. After ten minutes of searching, when you eventually find her in a far comer, she enquires rather tersely: “Where have you been all this time, dear?”WMZ傲朋学习网
Supermarket managers are sent on courses to learn how to tempt the customers and persuade them to buy goods they do not really need, at prices they are not able to afford. As a newcomer, I was a sucker for their clever techniques and took many goods off the shelves. But my innocence was soon curbed by my wife. “Put it back, dear.” “You’ve tried that before and didn’t like it”.  “No, it’s too expensive.” I soon learnt to be a wheeler of trolleys and not a dealer in goods.WMZ傲朋学习网
But the most frightening hazard is supermarket trolleys driven by the so-called weaker sex. These women adhere to no code and give no quarter, and constant evasive action is necessary to avoid skinned knuckles, crushed toes or bruised shins. Their usual parking methods are either sideways across the aisles, or side by side with a friend to exchange gossip, and a polite “Excuse me” from traffic usually meets with no response. WMZ傲朋学习网
After the week’s groceries have been collected the last trial is passing through the checkout. Never join the shortest queue. It usually contains several shoppers who pay by writing out a personal check and who wait until all their purchases have been totaled up before beginning a frantic search through bulging handbags for elusive checkbooks. When the book eventually emerges, the customer never knows the date, asks again for the forgotten total and omits to put the address on the back.WMZ傲朋学习网
Don’t be fooled, either, by thinking that this is the end of the exercise. When the check has been carefully examined by the cashier a bell rings, a red light flashed overhead and there is a further wait until a supervisor arrives to confirm that the check can be accepted. Then it is our turn and the checkout girl is so quick and efficient that we don’t have time to get out own checkbook ready. But the people who are packing our shopping are kind and give us cheery smiles.WMZ傲朋学习网
When we emerge once more into the great outside world eggs are running down my trousers. Just before the eggs are crushed by the collision between two trolleys, I hear the voice of my wife call out: “Oops, dear, mind the trolley.” Shopping!WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.The weekly shopping expedition in his retirement was exciting.WMZ傲朋学习网
    B.His joy of shopping was broken by many annoyances.WMZ傲朋学习网
    C.It is necessary to know how to use the shopping trolley properly.WMZ傲朋学习网
    D.People easily get lost in a big supermarket.WMZ傲朋学习网
    E.It is difficult to take a trolley from the line of trolleys.WMZ傲朋学习网
    F.It is difficult to go shopping with a woman following an illogical route.WMZ傲朋学习网
    G.It is difficult to resist the temptation of the promotion of goods.WMZ傲朋学习网
    H.It is difficult to avoid hurting the women.WMZ傲朋学习网
    BC.to introduce the function of their goodsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BD.to promote their goods to the customersWMZ傲朋学习网
    BE.to deal with the checks in doubt    答案 76 12 960 21WMZ傲朋学习网
    BF.to help the customers find the goods they needWMZ傲朋学习网
31.[单选题]Vacation travel, a pleasant travel, is one of the faster-growing segments of the tourism industry. These travelers seek enjoyment and pleasure for their travel.WMZ傲朋学习网
Vacation travel is typically price-sensitive and often concerned with the particular time of day or day of week schedules. Vacation travel has been heavily promoted by the airlines for Saturday and Sunday travel when their transport capacity is not heavily used by business travelers. Further, the vacation travel market is where the airlines often offer lower fares. These tickets often have many restrictions designed to prevent regular business travelers from switching to the lower fares. For example, the super-saver fare requires the passenger to stay at the destination over a Saturday night. Such fares are not good during certain heavy holiday periods or Monday to Friday flights, or they constitute only a small number of seats on flights that normally would not be filled by full-fare business passengers.WMZ傲朋学习网
The vacation market is an important one to Florida, the Caribbean, Colorado, and Vermont during the winter months for sun and ski vacations. The United States to Europe and the United States coast to coast are strong vacation markets in the summer. Travel agents and tour operators are heavily involved in the vacation market. Charter bus trips and tours are also major parts of the  vacation market.WMZ傲朋学习网
The vacation travel market is also splintering into “boutique” travel niches as well. These are specialty vacations in which recreation and/or rest at a hotel or on a cruise ship are not the major elements of the trip. Trips in this category that have become increasingly popular in recent years include viewing rare animal life at the Galapagos islands, whale watching in Baja California, hiking in Nepal, photographic expeditions in the wilds of Alaska or the Northwest Territories, safaris in Africa, and nature cruises up the Amazon River. These trips typically are educational; they often employ naturalists who give speeches and show films relating to the site on the trip.WMZ傲朋学习网
    D.articular timeWMZ傲朋学习网
    I.specialized purpose travelWMZ傲朋学习网
    J.hotographic expeditionsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BA.traveling for shopping purposeWMZ傲朋学习网
    BB.nature loving experienceWMZ傲朋学习网
    BC.vacation marketWMZ傲朋学习网
    BD.charter tourismWMZ傲朋学习网
    BE.tourism marketWMZ傲朋学习网
    BF.specialized marketWMZ傲朋学习网
    BG.rare animalsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BI.Amazon RiverWMZ傲朋学习网
32.[单选题]Some seven or eight hundred years ago, Hangzhou, known as Ling'an then, was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, watching the tidal bore was already a grand occasion in town when the whole population would turn out for the spectacle. The best time to do this was from the 15th to the 18th of the eighth month of each year. But beginning from about the tenth day of the month, that part of the river bank that offered the best vantage point for ride watching would already be a busy gathering place for little open-air booths and stalls where vendors piledWMZ傲朋学习网
colourful wares on their carts or boxes. There would be all kinds of snacks and cooked meats in shining pots and pans. The taverns and restaurants would put up mulfi-coloured lanterns and flags or pennants, displaying meanwhile an attractive array of meat and vegetable dishes with a lot more exotic delicacies on the menu. In the tea-houses would be hung painting scrolls and calligraphy scrolls by famous artists while the antique vases would be filled with flesh flowers. In addition, there would be vendors displaying plasters and medicinal herbs for sale on the ground, roving artists with their monkeys for variety, shows or folk artists ready to entertain the crowds. Even before the days of the tidal bore, these people would be gathered on the river bank doing whatever they could to attract pleasure-seekers. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people, visitors from other towns as well as local residents of Ling' an, would be hustling and bustling about, clogging up the way and making traffic impossible. In the large riverside mansions that lined the banks, there would be opulently dressed men and women, some leaning against the windows or the balconies looking into the distance and some looking down gazing fixedly at something going on down below.WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.were used toWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.were anxiousWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.were extremely eagerWMZ傲朋学习网
    E.from 15th to the 18thWMZ傲朋学习网
    F.starting around 10thWMZ傲朋学习网
    G.from 15th to the endWMZ傲朋学习网
    H.at the middleWMZ傲朋学习网
    I.along the bankWMZ傲朋学习网
    J.at the best vantage pointWMZ傲朋学习网
    BA.in pilesWMZ傲朋学习网
    BB.using pots and pansWMZ傲朋学习网
    BC.ainting scrollsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BD.displaying plastersWMZ傲朋学习网
    BE.folk artistsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BG.large riverside mansionsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BH.distant balconiesWMZ傲朋学习网
    BI.taverns and restaurantsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BJ.the tea housesWMZ傲朋学习网
33.[单选题]Of the many interesting sights in Hangzhou, there is besides West Lake the spectacular tide at the mouth of Qiantang River. The tides here are what is called a tidal bore which makes a thrilling sight as it seems to be impelled by such a furious elemental force that it threatens to overwhelm and overpower everything in its way, striking awe in the beholder even as the sky and the sun are being swallowed up. It is said that in the world today only the tidal bore at the mouth of the mighty Amazon in Brazil can be a rival to that at the mouth of Qiantang.WMZ傲朋学习网
The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight. As early as the fourth century B.C., the ancient philosopher of China Zhuangzi had written about it like this: “The waters in the Zhe or Crooked River will roll on raising waves high as mountains and towers, creating a thunderous roar and gathering up a force that threatens to engulf the sun and the sky”. In the Eastern Han Dynasty(25—220), Wang Chong the thinker, in his Essays of Criticism or Lun'Heng in Chinese, recorded his observations of the tidal bore of Qiantang River like this: “The tide flows and ebbs with the wax and wane of the moon”. In ancient China, it was a common practice among men of letters not only to read widely but also to travel extensively. In the course of their travels, many of them had visited lots of famous mountains and magnificent rivers, but they had seen few sights that had impressed them as deeply as the tidal bore of Qiantang. Wielding their inspired pens, some of them had described the spectacular sight of the tidal bore. Poet Li Kuo of the Tang Dynasty(618—907)had these lines:WMZ傲朋学习网
The bright mid-autumn moon casts its light on a thousand miles of land,WMZ傲朋学习网
The thunderous bore at midnight loud as a million marching men.WMZ傲朋学习网
    E.more powerful thanWMZ傲朋学习网
    F.less powerful thanWMZ傲朋学习网
    G.as powerful asWMZ傲朋学习网
    H.no match forWMZ傲朋学习网
    J.great manyWMZ傲朋学习网
    BA.a fewWMZ傲朋学习网
    BB.not a fewWMZ傲朋学习网
    BC.related toWMZ傲朋学习网
    BD.a part ofWMZ傲朋学习网
    BE.moved byWMZ傲朋学习网
    BF.reported inWMZ傲朋学习网
    BG.quiet at daytimeWMZ傲朋学习网
    BH.as powerful as marching menWMZ傲朋学习网
    BI.as loud as the shouting of marching menWMZ傲朋学习网
    BJ.extremely loudWMZ傲朋学习网
34.[单选题]A report consistently brought back by visitors to the US is how friendly, courteous, and helpful most Americans were to them. To be fair, this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians should best be considered North Americans. There are of course exceptions. Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.WMZ傲朋学习网
For a long period of time and in many parts of the country, a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence. Dullness and loneliness were common problems of the families who generally lived distant from one another. Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion, and brought news of the outside world.WMZ傲朋学习网
The harsh realities of the frontier also shaped this tradition of hospitality. Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn except to the nearest cabin or settlement. It was not a matter of choice for the traveler or merely a charitable impulse on the part of the settlers. It reflected the harshness of daily life: if you didn’t take in the stranger and take care of him, there was no one else who would. And someday, remember, you might be in the same situation.WMZ傲朋学习网
Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize in helping the weary traveler. Yet, the old tradition of hospitality to strangers is still very strong in the US, especially in the smaller cities and towns away from the busy tourist trails. “I was just traveling through, got talking with this American, and pretty soon he invited me home for dinner -- amazing.” Such observations reported by visitors to the US are not uncommon, but are not always understood properly. The casual friendliness of many Amricans should be interpreted neither as superficial nor as artificial, but as the result of a historically developed cultural tradition.WMZ傲朋学习网
As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set of cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all social interrelationships. And, of course, speaking a language does not necessarily mean that someone understands social and cultural patterns. Visitors who fail to “translate” cultural meanings properly often draw wrong conclusions. For example, when an American uses the word “friend”, the cultural implications of the word may be quite different from those it has in the visitor’s language and culture. It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual interest. Yet, being friendly is a virtue that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers.WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.rude taxi drivers are rarely seen in the USWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.small-minded officials deserve a serious commentWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.those who are not so friendly deserve a commentWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.Canadians are as friendly as their neighborsWMZ傲朋学习网
    I.culture exercises an influence over social interrelationshiWMZ傲朋学习网
    J.courteous convention and individual interest are interrelatedWMZ傲朋学习网
    BA.various virtues display themselves exclusively among friendsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BB.social interrelationships equal the complex set of cultural conventionsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BC.out of a charitable impulseWMZ傲朋学习网
    BD.in view of their long-distance travelWMZ傲朋学习网
    BE.to improve their hard lifeWMZ傲朋学习网
    BF.to add some flavor to their own daily lifeWMZ傲朋学习网
    BG.tends to be superficial and artificialWMZ傲朋学习网
    BH.is generally well kept up in North AmericaWMZ傲朋学习网
    BI.is always understood properlyWMZ傲朋学习网
    BJ.has something to do with the busy tourist trailsWMZ傲朋学习网
35.[单选题]Earthquakes may rightly be ranked as one of the most devastating forces known to man: since records began to be written down, it has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have numbered in the millions, and that earthquake-related destruction has been beyond calculation. The greater part of such damage and loss of life has been due to collapse of buildings and the effects of rockslides, floods, fire, disease, tsunamis (gigantic sea waves), and other phenomena resulting from earthquakes, rather than from the quakes themselves.WMZ傲朋学习网
The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area encompasses the Pacific Ocean and its contiguous land masses. The other extends from the East Indies to the Atlas Mountains, including the Himalayas, Iran Turkey, and the Alpine regions. It is in these two great belts or zones that ninety percent of all earthquakes take place: they may, however, happen anywhere at any time.WMZ傲朋学习网
This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the dread and horror surrounding earthquakes, but in recent times there have been indications the earthquake prediction may be possible. By analyzing changes in animal behavior, patterns of movements in the earth’s crust, variations in the force of gravity and the earth’s magnetic field, and the frequency with which minor earth tremors are observed, scientists have shown increasing success in anticipating when and where earthquakes will strike. As a result, a worldwide earthquake warning network is already in operation and has helped to prepare for (and thus lessen) the vast destruction that might otherwise have been totally unexpected.WMZ傲朋学习网
It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and eliminate their destructiveness altogether, but as how and why earthquakes happen become better understood, man will become more and more able to deal with their potential devastation before it occurs.WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.Earthquakes are highly feared but actually relatively harmless.WMZ傲朋学习网
    B.There is absolutely no way to predict when or where earthquakes might occur.WMZ傲朋学习网
    C.Man is now able to predict when earthquakes will happen but not where.WMZ傲朋学习网
    D.Man is now able to predict where earthquakes will happen but not whenWMZ傲朋学习网
    E.the two great earthquake zonesWMZ傲朋学习网
    F.the fact that earthquakes can happen at any time or placeWMZ傲朋学习网
    G.the percentage of earthquakesWMZ傲朋学习网
    H.the exact cause of earthquakesWMZ傲朋学习网
    I.Changes in animal behavior.WMZ傲朋学习网
    J.Differences in the earth’s magnetic field and force of gravity.WMZ傲朋学习网
    BA.How often minor earth tremors have been observed.WMZ傲朋学习网
    BB.All of the above.WMZ傲朋学习网
    BC.to amuse and entertainWMZ傲朋学习网
    BD.to question and criticizeWMZ傲朋学习网
    BE.to explain and informWMZ傲朋学习网
    BF.to correct a misconceptionWMZ傲朋学习网
    BG.It will never be possible to predict earthquakes.WMZ傲朋学习网
    BH.Earthquakes can already be predicted with great accuracy.WMZ傲朋学习网
    BI.There is really no need to try to predict earthquake occurrences.WMZ傲朋学习网
    BJ.Earthquake prediction is becoming more and more possible.WMZ傲朋学习网
36.[单选题]The 1,000-Island Lake, which was formed by damming the Xinan River Reservoir, and the Xinan and Fuchun rivers in west Zhejiang Province have become known as the Golden Tourist Belt. Beautiful scenery, historical sites, and participation in traditional life are all part of the package. Strange caves, 1,000 islands and islets, and colorful sites are scattered like stars in the sky.WMZ傲朋学习网
  Traveling eastward along the route from the Huangshan Mountain will bring tourists to Hangzhou. From there, a five-hour coach and boat trip takes travelers to Pailing Town, Chunan County in the center of the 1,000-Island Lake. On the Huolo (Furnace) Peak of Pailing Ridge, the highest of the ridges, is an ideal spot for an aerial view of the mountain and the lake where tourists can row boats to all the islands.From the Pailing Ridge, tourists can go to Jiande by coach along the river bank and through the Jian River tunnel. This is known as the “cool world” for the pleasantly cool temperature of the rivers, lakes and mountain caves. “Xinan mist illusion” is a peculiar sight rarely seen in China. The water of the Xinan River maintains 14-18 degrees C in temperature all year round. Each winter and summer, because of the great temperature difference between air and water, mist forms on the 20-km river surface on the lower reaches of the hydropower station. Blown by wind, the mist transforms itself into endless sights.WMZ傲朋学习网
  From Jiande, tourists can go by boat to the ancient town of Meicheng. Meicheng, with a history of more than 1,700 years, is where the Twin Pagodas shrouded in clouds and other famous sights are located.WMZ傲朋学习网
  Boating eastward with the current from Meicheng, tourists will eventually arrive at the Fuchun River basin area. Here they can appreciate various sights along the Qililong section of the river where the water surface narrows and steep cliffs flank both banks. The winding river course, dangerous shoals and deep pools are known as the “Lesser Three Gorges.”WMZ傲朋学习网
  Tianmu Stream is one of the Fuchun River system. The water is so clear, the bottom of the stream is visible. Tourists can drift on rubber rafts the 5-kim distance from Yaolin Bridge to Yuanchuan Wharf. Xinshan is an islet in the Fuchun River. This is where the Happy Farmer Household folklore tour is held. By way of bamboo rafts and ox carts, tourists can visit and take part in such traditional activities as operating traditional farm tools and making flour with a stone grinder. They can also create hand-made paper, make straw sandals, reel silk, and watch goat fights.WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.Xinan RiverWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.Fuchun RiverWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.the 1000-Island LakeWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.Mt. HuangshanWMZ傲朋学习网
    E.rowing pleasure boatsWMZ傲朋学习网
    F.overlooking the mountainsWMZ傲朋学习网
    G.traveling along the ridgesWMZ傲朋学习网
    H.riding on coaches and busesWMZ傲朋学习网
    I.the changes of heights between high and low ridgesWMZ傲朋学习网
    J.the changes of the daily weather patterns in summerWMZ傲朋学习网
    BA.the difference of temperature between air and waterWMZ傲朋学习网
    BB.the difference of distances between islands and banksWMZ傲朋学习网
    BC.to drift on rubber raftsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BD.to boat with the currentWMZ傲朋学习网
    BE.to make flour with grindersWMZ傲朋学习网
    BF.to ride through narrow tunnelsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BG.curving riversWMZ傲朋学习网
    BH.deep poolsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BI.steep cliffsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BJ.rapid currentWMZ傲朋学习网
37.[单选题]People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields or religious shrines. Others are looking for culture, or simply want to have their picture taken in front of famous places. But most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on. WMZ傲朋学习网
Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money and put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because they have so little of it. Residents of cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam spend a lot of their winter in the dark because the days are so short, and much of the rest of the year is in the rain. This is the reason the Mediterranean (地中海) has always attracted them. Every summer, more than 25 million people travel to Mediterranean resorts and beaches for their vacations. They all come for the same reason: sun! WMZ傲朋学习网
The huge crowds mean lots of money for the economies of Mediterranean countries. Italy's 30,000 hotels are booked solid every summer. And 13 million people camp out on French beaches, parks, and roadsides. Spain's long sandy coastline attracts more people than anywhere else. 37 million tourists visit yearly, or one tourist for every person living in Spain. WMZ傲朋学习网
But there are signs that the area is getting more tourism than it can handle. The Mediterranean is already one of the most polluted seas on earth. And with increased tourism, it's getting worse. The French can't figure out what to do with all the garbage left by campers around St. Tropez. And in many places, swimming is dangerous because of pollution. WMZ傲朋学习网
None of this, however, is spoiling anyone's fun. The Mediterranean gets more popular every year with tourists. Obviously, they don't go there for clean water and solitude. They tolerate traffic jams and seem to like crowded beaches. They don't even mind the pollution. No matter how dirty the water is, the coastline still looks beautiful. And as long as the sun shines, it's still better than sitting in the cold rain in Berlin, London, or Oslo.WMZ傲朋学习网
    A.they want to see historic remains or religious spotsWMZ傲朋学习网
    B.they are interested in different cultural traditions and social customsWMZ傲朋学习网
    C.they would like to take pictures in front of famous sitesWMZ傲朋学习网
    D.they wish to escape from the cold dark and rainy days back at homeWMZ傲朋学习网
    E.to show that they are not good cities in terms of geography and climateWMZ傲朋学习网
    F.to tell us how wealthy their residents areWMZ傲朋学习网
    G.to suggest that these cities lack places of historic interest and scenic beautyWMZ傲朋学习网
    H.to prove that they have got more tourism than they can handleWMZ傲朋学习网
    BC.all the 37 million people living in Spain are touristsWMZ傲朋学习网
    BD.every year almost as many tourists visit Spain as there are people living in that countryWMZ傲朋学习网
    BE.every person living in Spain has to take care of a touristWMZ傲朋学习网
    BF.every Spanish is visited by a tourist every yearWMZ傲朋学习网
    BG.Polluted waterWMZ傲朋学习网
    BH.Crowded buses.WMZ傲朋学习网
    BI.Traffic jams.WMZ傲朋学习网
    BJ.Rainy weather.WMZ傲朋学习网
38.[主观填空题]I'm Li-ming from       .(中国国际旅行社重庆分社)WMZ傲朋学习网
39.[主观填空题]The          (负氧离子)levels is quiete high here.WMZ傲朋学习网
40.[主观填空题]The luggage will go through  X-ray machine for     .(安全检查)WMZ傲朋学习网
41.[主观填空题]How would you like your steak done,      ?(老一点还是嫩一点)WMZ傲朋学习网
42.[主观填空题]I'd like to order a     .(西红柿炒鸡蛋)WMZ傲朋学习网
43.[主观填空题]Do you want to fly      ?(公务舱还是经济舱)WMZ傲朋学习网
44.[主观填空题]Since you are our first customer today, I will give you discount. Let us    .(双方各让一步)WMZ傲朋学习网
45.[主观填空题]I'd like to have a   .(鱼香肉丝)WMZ傲朋学习网
46.[主观填空题]I have reserved     (带加大床的双人间)in your hotel.WMZ傲朋学习网
47.[主观填空题]Would you please open the suitcase    ?(接受检查)WMZ傲朋学习网
48.[主观填空题]People will hold     (龙舟赛)in memory of Quyuan.WMZ傲朋学习网
49.[主观填空题]Have you checked the    (节目单)for tonight.WMZ傲朋学习网
50.[主观填空题]This skirt is     today.(促销打折)WMZ傲朋学习网
51.[主观填空题]The first Vault has been    .(发掘并对外开放)WMZ傲朋学习网
52.[主观填空题]There are a lot of    (值得一看的地方)in XianWMZ傲朋学习网
53.[主观填空题]I'll try some   (土豆泥)this time.WMZ傲朋学习网
54.[主观填空题]What are your   (客房用餐)hour? 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning.WMZ傲朋学习网
55.[主观填空题]The performance is a combination of singing, acting,dialogue and   .(武术)WMZ傲朋学习网
56.[主观填空题]I will give you       .(打九折)WMZ傲朋学习网
57.[主观填空题]The State of Qin in the    (战国时期)was situated in the WestWMZ傲朋学习网
58.[主观填空题]I'd like    .(清蒸鱼)WMZ傲朋学习网
59.[主观填空题]I'd like an    .(鸡蛋汤)WMZ傲朋学习网
60.[主观填空题]I hope you a   home.(旅途愉快)WMZ傲朋学习网
61.[主观填空题]Now I'd like to   .(提议为我们的友谊干杯)WMZ傲朋学习网
62.[主观填空题]I'm calling from Pacific Delight Tour Inc., a      (旅游批发商)company in Newyork.WMZ傲朋学习网
63.[主观填空题]Let's go to the    (观景台)and have close looke at it.WMZ傲朋学习网
64.[主观填空题]You can stand astride the Greenwich    .(本初子午线)WMZ傲朋学习网
65.[主观填空题]In the             (旺季)it will cost you 35 Yuan.WMZ傲朋学习网
66.[主观填空题]People eat    (火锅)even when it's hot outside.WMZ傲朋学习网
67.[主观填空题]The local tour guide began to   .(致欢送词)WMZ傲朋学习网
70.[问答题]The Disney-MGM Studios offers behind-the-scene looks at the making of movies and popular TV shows and provide live original shows.WMZ傲朋学习网
71.[问答题]Badaling has the most renovation and is well managed and consequently, much safer to walk along than other sections.WMZ傲朋学习网
74.[问答题]Through a combination of natural and artificial elements, designers seek to attain in their designs balance and harmony between men and nature.WMZ傲朋学习网
75.[问答题]It is quite windy in spring, autumn, and winter, especially  on the Great Wall due to its high altitude, so scarf can be warm and windproof to protect your face.WMZ傲朋学习网
78.[问答题]Shooping in Shanghai is certainly different from Hongkong and New york. The city is developing its own unique style that will very soon compete with the ultimate shopping experience anywhere in the world.WMZ傲朋学习网
79.[问答题]Certain aspect of hotel organization are clearly visible to guests, such as the lobby, and front dest. These are called "the front of the house". The "back of the house" consists of equally important, but less noticeable areas, such as the kitchen, storage area, administration, and security.WMZ傲朋学习网
82.[问答题]Corresponding handicraft souvenirs are symbols of long-standing religious history of Tibet, and always leave mysterious impression on people.WMZ傲朋学习网
83.[问答题]Because of the large proportation of income contributed by a hotel's bars and restuarants, the food and beverage manager is a key member of the management staff.WMZ傲朋学习网
86.[问答题]Kunqu is noted for its smooth and elegangt style, fine and exquisite expression, song-and -dance-based performance, and also for its specifically designed movements.WMZ傲朋学习网
87.[问答题]Gardens in Qing Dynasty were no longer merely places for fun, but also served as areas where more formal ceremonies and activities could be organized, such as holding court, hosting banquets, persuing studies, prducing theatrical activities.WMZ傲朋学习网
88.[问答题]In addition, we still have a lot of problems to be solved in the management of tourism, in the quality of service and in the quality of English level of guide and interpreters.WMZ傲朋学习网
91.[问答题]Tibetan medicine, which was created over 2000 years ago, is one of the ethnic medicines that remained well-presevered and influential in China.WMZ傲朋学习网
92.[问答题]Most hotels, however, require a much more complex organizational structure that is comprised of six major department, such as administration, front office, house-keeping, food and beverage, engingeering and security.WMZ傲朋学习网
94.[问答题]In the past 12 years, many theme parks have appeared in China, including Splendid China, Folk Culture Villages and Suzhou Paradise. These parks features beautiful scenery, architectural art and folk culture from around the world.WMZ傲朋学习网
95.[问答题]The newly-established shopping and entertainment plaza, Xujiahui, consists of large stores where you can obtain both costly and moderately priced goods.WMZ傲朋学习网
96.[问答题]To be profitable, the hotel must make enough money to cover its expenses including salaries and still have money left over.WMZ傲朋学习网
99.[问答题]At the mere mention of Tibetan religion, we all think of an image of the mysterious Tibetan Buddhism with regional features and strong ethinic colors.WMZ傲朋学习网
100.[问答题]Thanks to the great differences in the climate, geagraphical enviroment, and histourical and cultural development of different regions, various styles of cuisine have been formed, each having its own distinct characteristics.WMZ傲朋学习网

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