
所属学校:福建师范大学 科目:英语写作 2015-03-17 11:43:21

 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)puk傲朋学习网

1.  The job of a student accommodation officer ___D____ a great many visits to landladies.puk傲朋学习网

A. concernspuk傲朋学习网

B. offerspuk傲朋学习网

C. askspuk傲朋学习网

D. involvespuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

2.  The student said there were a few points in the essay he ___C___ impossible to comprehend.puk傲朋学习网

A. has foundpuk傲朋学习网

B. was findingpuk傲朋学习网

C. had foundpuk傲朋学习网

D. would findpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

3.  The book ____C___is not available at the library.puk傲朋学习网

A. at questionpuk傲朋学习网

B. on questionpuk傲朋学习网

C. in questionpuk傲朋学习网

D. for questionpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

4.  He needed a ___D____ operation.puk傲朋学习网

A. missilepuk傲朋学习网

B. indirectpuk傲朋学习网

C. incomepuk傲朋学习网

D. minorpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

5.  Ellen did not finish____A____in time to go to the party with her friends night.puk傲朋学习网

A. studyingpuk傲朋学习网

B. to studypuk傲朋学习网

C. to have studiedpuk傲朋学习网

D. having studiedpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

6.  It is only recently ____C_____astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.puk傲朋学习网

A. whenpuk傲朋学习网

B. so thatpuk傲朋学习网

C. thatpuk傲朋学习网

D. whichpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

7.  The party, _____D___ I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable.puk傲朋学习网

A. by whichpuk傲朋学习网

B. for whichpuk傲朋学习网

C. to whichpuk傲朋学习网

D. at whichpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

8.  It’s high time we ___A____ cutting down the rainforests.puk傲朋学习网

A. stoppedpuk傲朋学习网

B. had to stoppuk傲朋学习网

C. shall stoppuk傲朋学习网

D. stoppuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

9.  This is not the right ____A_____ to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen!puk傲朋学习网

A. momentpuk傲朋学习网

B. situationpuk傲朋学习网

C. opportunitypuk傲朋学习网

D. circumstancepuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

10.  His wife had only her husband's interests_____D____.puk傲朋学习网

A. on her heartpuk傲朋学习网

B. on heartpuk傲朋学习网

C. at her heartpuk傲朋学习网

D. at heartpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

11.  ___B_____Sally likes the present is not clear to me.puk傲朋学习网

A. Ifpuk傲朋学习网

B. Whetherpuk傲朋学习网

C. Thatpuk傲朋学习网

D. Whatpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

12.  Desertsand high mountains have always been a ___B____to the movement of people from place to place.puk傲朋学习网

A. jampuk傲朋学习网

B. barrierpuk傲朋学习网

C. fencepuk傲朋学习网

D. preventionpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

13.  I____B___a doctor now if I had studied medical science in my youth.puk傲朋学习网

A. werepuk傲朋学习网

B. should bepuk傲朋学习网

C. had beenpuk傲朋学习网

D. should have beenpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

14.  According to one belief, if truth is to be known it will make itself apparent, so one ___D_____ wait instead of searching for it.puk傲朋学习网

A. would ratherpuk傲朋学习网

B. had topuk傲朋学习网

C. cannot butpuk傲朋学习网

D.  had bestpuk傲朋学习网

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15.  We are leaving this afternoon, but we have not ____C___ our suitcases yet.puk傲朋学习网

A. trappedpuk傲朋学习网

B. insultedpuk傲朋学习网

C. packedpuk傲朋学习网

D. invitedpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

16.  Not until the year of 1954____C___made the capital of that province.puk傲朋学习网

A. the city waspuk傲朋学习网

B. when the city waspuk傲朋学习网

C. was the citypuk傲朋学习网

D. that the city waspuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

17.  Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has __A___the quality of the programs.puk傲朋学习网

A. affectedpuk傲朋学习网

B. effectedpuk傲朋学习网

C. lessenedpuk傲朋学习网

D. declinedpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

18.  This sick man was ___D____ in a blanket.puk傲朋学习网

A. inputpuk傲朋学习网

B. issuedpuk傲朋学习网

C. ensuredpuk傲朋学习网

D. wrappedpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

19.  He always takes pride in his work. He is very __B_____.puk傲朋学习网

A. humblepuk傲朋学习网

B. devotedpuk傲朋学习网

C. respectivepuk傲朋学习网

D. formalpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

20.  Lots of dependent babies are ___C____a liability than numbers of the inactive aged.puk傲朋学习网

A. more aspuk傲朋学习网

B. more topuk傲朋学习网

C. more ofpuk傲朋学习网

D. better ofpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

21.  Landbelongs to the city; there is ____D____ thing as private ownership of land.puk傲朋学习网

A. no such apuk傲朋学习网

B. not suchpuk傲朋学习网

C. apuk傲朋学习网

D. no suchpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

22.  How much are you going to ____A___ me for repairing this bike?puk傲朋学习网

A. chargepuk傲朋学习网

B. requestpuk傲朋学习网

C. requirepuk傲朋学习网

D. needpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

23.  She was so fat that she could only just ___C____ through the door.puk傲朋学习网

A. assemblepuk傲朋学习网

B. appearpuk傲朋学习网

C. squeezepuk傲朋学习网

D. gatherpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

24.  Our sleep influences our mood. Our mood ____C____, affects our performance.puk傲朋学习网

A. by turnpuk傲朋学习网

B. turn overpuk傲朋学习网

C. in turnpuk傲朋学习网

D. after turnpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

25.  _____B____,we went swimming.puk傲朋学习网

A. Being a hot daypuk傲朋学习网

B. The day being hotpuk傲朋学习网

C. Due to a hot daypuk傲朋学习网

D. It was a hot daypuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

26.  Under no ___A____ will I go there again.puk傲朋学习网

A. circumstancespuk傲朋学习网

B. situationpuk傲朋学习网

C. giantpuk傲朋学习网

D. happenpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

27.  In fact, Mary would rather have left forSan Francisco___C______inLos Angeles.puk傲朋学习网

A. by stayingpuk傲朋学习网

B. than staypuk傲朋学习网

C. than have stayedpuk傲朋学习网

D. to staypuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

28.  Painters, writers, and composers also have ____B____heavily ________their sensitivity to inner fantasies.puk傲朋学习网

A. drawn ... backpuk傲朋学习网

B. drawn... onpuk傲朋学习网

C. drawn ... inpuk傲朋学习网

D. drawn ... frompuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

29.  A general ____C___ is held in theUnited Statesevery four years.puk傲朋学习网

A. selectionpuk傲朋学习网

B. choicepuk傲朋学习网

C. electionpuk傲朋学习网

D. choosepuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

30.  This supermarket developed rapidly under his __A_____.puk傲朋学习网

A. administrationpuk傲朋学习网

B. suggestionpuk傲朋学习网

C. approachpuk傲朋学习网

D. appearancepuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

31.  If you want a pen, look inside the ___B____ of the desk.puk傲朋学习网

A. boxpuk傲朋学习网

B. drawerpuk傲朋学习网

C. majorpuk傲朋学习网

D. meltpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

32.  When she saw the clouds she went back to the house to _____B___ her umbrella.puk傲朋学习网

A. carrypuk傲朋学习网

B.  fetchpuk傲朋学习网

C.  bringpuk傲朋学习网

D. reachpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

33.  I have no doubt _____B___he will overcome all his difficulties.puk傲朋学习网

A. ifpuk傲朋学习网

B. thatpuk傲朋学习网

C. as topuk傲朋学习网

D. whetherpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

34.  They serve ____C___ food in this restaurant.puk傲朋学习网

A. castlepuk傲朋学习网

B. gluepuk傲朋学习网

C. deliciouspuk傲朋学习网

D. wingpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

35.  I never realized that someday I would be married to a __C_____.puk傲朋学习网

A. moleculepuk傲朋学习网

B. oxygenpuk傲朋学习网

C. geniuspuk傲朋学习网

D. rugpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

36.  We must _____C___ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible.puk傲朋学习网

A. assurepuk傲朋学习网

B. securepuk傲朋学习网

C.  ensurepuk傲朋学习网

D.  issuepuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

37.  First published in 1927, the charts remain an___C___ source for researchers.puk傲朋学习网

A. intelligentpuk傲朋学习网

B. inevitablepuk傲朋学习网

C. indispensablepuk傲朋学习网

D. identicalpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

38.  Most of us require an environment_____B___outside distraction.puk傲朋学习网

A. free ofpuk傲朋学习网

B. free frompuk傲朋学习网

C. free awaypuk傲朋学习网

D. free withoutpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

39.  The slogan ___C______to remind the candidate and the staff ________the campaign focused on the nation's slow-moving economy.puk傲朋学习网

A. meant ... of keepingpuk傲朋学习网

B. was meaning ... to keeppuk傲朋学习网

C. was meant ... to keeppuk傲朋学习网

D. had meant ... with keepingpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

40.  The residents, ______B____had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.puk傲朋学习网

A. all their homespuk傲朋学习网

B. all of whose homespuk傲朋学习网

C. all whose homespuk傲朋学习网

D. all of their homespuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

41.  ____A____our expectation, the experiment turned out to be a complete failure.puk傲朋学习网

A. Contrary topuk傲朋学习网

B. Contrary withpuk傲朋学习网

C. Contrary againstpuk傲朋学习网

D. Contrary forpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

42.  You sang well last night. We hope you’ll sing ____B____.puk傲朋学习网

A. more betterpuk傲朋学习网

B. still betterpuk傲朋学习网

C. nicelypuk傲朋学习网

D.  bestpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

43.  The young man was all__B___when he began his new job.puk傲朋学习网

A. at the seapuk傲朋学习网

B. at seapuk傲朋学习网

C. in the seapuk傲朋学习网

D. in seapuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

44.  The lecture which lasted about three hours was so __A___that the audience couldn‘t help yawning.puk傲朋学习网

A. tediouspuk傲朋学习网

B. clumsypuk傲朋学习网

C. boredpuk傲朋学习网

D. tiredpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

45.  They did find that __B______appears in a dream has far greater influence on mood than ________occurs in the dream.puk傲朋学习网

A. the person ... the thingpuk傲朋学习网

B. who ... whatpuk傲朋学习网

C. who ... thatpuk傲朋学习网

D. the person who ... whichpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

46.  Last year Sam earned ___D____his brother.puk傲朋学习网

A. twice as morepuk傲朋学习网

B. twice as many aspuk傲朋学习网

C. more twice thanpuk傲朋学习网

D. twice as much aspuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

47.  The first part of this paper is the ___A____ review.puk傲朋学习网

A. literaturepuk傲朋学习网

B. fieldpuk傲朋学习网

C. studypuk傲朋学习网

D. phenomenompuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

48.  You should try to ___A__your ambition and be more realistic.puk傲朋学习网

A. restrainpuk傲朋学习网

B. retainpuk傲朋学习网

C. reservepuk傲朋学习网

D. replacepuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

49.  The prisoners will work for up to 90 days ___C____the gang.puk傲朋学习网

A. topuk傲朋学习网

B. atpuk傲朋学习网

C. onpuk傲朋学习网

D. ofpuk傲朋学习网

满分:2  分puk傲朋学习网

50.  So involved with their computers ____D____ that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.puk傲朋学习网

A. became the childrenpuk傲朋学习网

B. become the childrenpuk傲朋学习网

C. had the children becomepuk傲朋学习网

D. do the children become    puk傲朋学习网


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