
所属学校:北京语言大学 科目:英语语法 2015-03-17 14:46:55
13春《英语语法》(师范方向)作业4 vXl傲朋学习网
一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。) vXl傲朋学习网
V vXl傲朋学习网
1. In the dark street , there wasn’t a single person _____ she could turn for help.vXl傲朋学习网
A. that vXl傲朋学习网
B. who vXl傲朋学习网
C. from whom vXl傲朋学习网
D. to whom vXl傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
2. Whenever I met him , ____ was fairly often, I like his sweet and hopeful smile.vXl傲朋学习网
A. what vXl傲朋学习网
B. which vXl傲朋学习网
C. that vXl傲朋学习网
D. when vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
3. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase , _____ was very reasonable.vXl傲朋学习网
A. which price vXl傲朋学习网
B. the price of which vXl傲朋学习网
C. its price vXl傲朋学习网
D. the price of whose vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
4. It is high time that the boy ______ sent to school.vXl傲朋学习网
A. is vXl傲朋学习网
B. was vXl傲朋学习网
C. be vXl傲朋学习网
D. is to be vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
5. After living in Pairs for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child.vXl傲朋学习网
A. which vXl傲朋学习网
B. where vXl傲朋学习网
C. that vXl傲朋学习网
D. when vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
6. ______ for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand.vXl傲朋学习网
A. Had it not been vXl傲朋学习网
B. Without being vXl傲朋学习网
C. Not being vXl傲朋学习网
D. Not having been vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
7. He was very rude to the customs officer, ____ of course made things even worse.vXl傲朋学习网
A. who vXl傲朋学习网
B. whom vXl傲朋学习网
C. what vXl傲朋学习网
D. which vXl傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
8. The children stay in the nuclear family ________ they grow up and marry.vXl傲朋学习网
A. because vXl傲朋学习网
B. once vXl傲朋学习网
C. after vXl傲朋学习网
D. until vXl傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
9. There ______ a pair of glasses but there ______ no books on the desk.vXl傲朋学习网
A. are, are vXl傲朋学习网
B. is, is vXl傲朋学习网
C. is, are vXl傲朋学习网
D. are, is vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
10. You must give it back to ______ it belongs to.vXl傲朋学习网
A. that vXl傲朋学习网
B. who vXl傲朋学习网
C. whomever vXl傲朋学习网
D. what vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
11. Henan had a larger population ______ in China.vXl傲朋学习网
A. than any province vXl傲朋学习网
B. than all the other provinces vXl傲朋学习网
C. than other province vXl傲朋学习网
D. than all the provinces vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
12. Renting a room outside cost ______ living a dormitory for a month.vXl傲朋学习网
A. twice much as vXl傲朋学习网
B. as much as twice vXl傲朋学习网
C. twice as much as vXl傲朋学习网
D. twice more vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
13. It ______ when I left the school.vXl傲朋学习网
A. is snowing vXl傲朋学习网
B. was snowing vXl傲朋学习网
C. snows vXl傲朋学习网
D. will snow vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
14. It will be some time _______ the final results.vXl傲朋学习网
A. up until they know vXl傲朋学习网
B. before they know vXl傲朋学习网
C. up to the time they are able to know vXl傲朋学习网
D. until they know. vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
15. The boss ____ department Ms King worked ten years ago look down upon women.vXl傲朋学习网
A. in which vXl傲朋学习网
B. in that vXl傲朋学习网
C. in whose vXl傲朋学习网
D. whose vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
16. I don’t like _____ you speak to her.vXl傲朋学习网
A. the way vXl傲朋学习网
B. the way in that vXl傲朋学习网
C. the way which vXl傲朋学习网
D. the way of which vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
17. She would have come if we ______ her.vXl傲朋学习网
A. invited vXl傲朋学习网
B. have invited vXl傲朋学习网
C. had invited vXl傲朋学习网
D. would have invited vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
18. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella ._______ I got wet through .vXl傲朋学习网
A. It’s the reason vXl傲朋学习网
B. That’s why vXl傲朋学习网
C. There’s why vXl傲朋学习网
D. It’s how vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
19. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ________,of course , made the others unhappy.vXl傲朋学习网
A. who vXl傲朋学习网
B. which vXl傲朋学习网
C. this vXl傲朋学习网
D. What vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分 vXl傲朋学习网
20. They have one hour to read newspapers ______ their ordinary work.vXl傲朋学习网
A. apart from vXl傲朋学习网
B. without vXl傲朋学习网
C. far from vXl傲朋学习网
D. free from vXl傲朋学习网
满分:5 分

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