21春 北外 英语教育概论作业(参考)

所属学校:北京外国语学院 科目: 2021-06-10 21:00:12 作业 概论 北外 英语教育
Assignment for Guide to Success for English EducationP4z傲朋学习网
英语教育概论作业 作业内容:P4z傲朋学习网
Write a 500-word essay on what you have learned from the book. You should include the following two points in your essay: P4z傲朋学习网
•        How do you define the term “ professionalism ”? Use some examples in the book to illustrate your point of view. P4z傲朋学习网
•        What should you do now to prepare yourself for being a “ professional English teacher ” in the future? You can present your opinions from the following three aspects: P4z傲朋学习网
•        How will the courses that you are going to take this year contribute to your future career success? P4z傲朋学习网
•        What are the behaviors that you regard as unprofessional? P4z傲朋学习网
•        What are the qualities that a professional English teacher should have? 评分标准:考核课采取High Pass(90分),Pass(80分),Low Pass(70分)和Fail(50分)四个评分等级。成绩为Fail(50)的学生需重修该门课程。P4z傲朋学习网

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