
所属学校:福建师范大学 科目:英美文学选读 2015-03-17 17:01:47
福师《英美文学选读》在线作业二 vTe傲朋学习网
试卷总分:100 奥鹏学习网(aopeng123.cn) 发布 vTe傲朋学习网
一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。英美文学选读作业策略) vTe傲朋学习网
V vTe傲朋学习网
1. The purpose of the official inquiry is to ____ the true facts leading to the loss of the ship at sea.vTe傲朋学习网
A. come for vTe傲朋学习网
B. come at vTe傲朋学习网
C. come into vTe傲朋学习网
D. come over vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
2. Some day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could _____ .vTe傲朋学习网
A. descend vTe傲朋学习网
B. decline vTe傲朋学习网
C. deteriorate vTe傲朋学习网
D. depress vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
3. We realized that he was under great _________, so we took no notice of his bad temper.vTe傲朋学习网
A. excitement vTe傲朋学习网
B. stress vTe傲朋学习网
C. crisis vTe傲朋学习网
D. nervousness vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
4. The more a nation‘s companies _______factories abroad, the smaller that country‘s recorded exports will be.vTe傲朋学习网
A. lie vTe傲朋学习网
B. locate vTe傲朋学习网
C. spot vTe傲朋学习网
D. stand vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
5. The ____ from childhood to manhood is often a difficult time for a young man.vTe傲朋学习网
A. transition vTe傲朋学习网
B. transformation vTe傲朋学习网
C. transfer vTe傲朋学习网
D. transmission vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
6. As he failed to win the first prize in the badminton match, he had to ____ the second.vTe傲朋学习网
A. settle in vTe傲朋学习网
B. settle for vTe傲朋学习网
C. settle up vTe傲朋学习网
D. settle with vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
7. The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was _____ to the issue at hand .vTe傲朋学习网
A. irrational vTe傲朋学习网
B. unreasonable vTe傲朋学习网
C. invalid vTe傲朋学习网
D. irrelevant vTe傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
8. Every chemical change either results from energy being used to produce the change, or causes energy to be ________ in some form.vTe傲朋学习网
A. given off vTe傲朋学习网
B. put out vTe傲朋学习网
C. C set off. vTe傲朋学习网
D. used up vTe傲朋学习网
E. vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
9. The mayor is a woman with great _______ and therefore deserves our political and financial support.vTe傲朋学习网
A. intention vTe傲朋学习网
B. instinct vTe傲朋学习网
C. integrity vTe傲朋学习网
D. intensity vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
10. There a canal was being built to ____ commerce between the two countries.vTe傲朋学习网
A. allocate vTe傲朋学习网
B. facilitate vTe傲朋学习网
C. induce vTe傲朋学习网
D. furnish vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
11. She hit the chair and ____ the coffee.vTe傲朋学习网
A. spoiled vTe傲朋学习网
B. poured vTe傲朋学习网
C. spilled vTe傲朋学习网
D. splashed vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
12. The wealth of a country should be measured ________ the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.vTe傲朋学习网
A. in line with vTe傲朋学习网
B. in terms of vTe傲朋学习网
C. in regard with vTe傲朋学习网
D. by means of vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
13. We are quite sure that we can ______our present difficulties and finish the task according to schedule.vTe傲朋学习网
A. get away vTe傲朋学习网
B. get across vTe傲朋学习网
C. get off vTe傲朋学习网
D. get over vTe傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
14. Almost everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished telling the ____ tale.vTe傲朋学习网
A. pathetic vTe傲朋学习网
B. patriotic vTe傲朋学习网
C. panic vTe傲朋学习网
D. periodic vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
15. The director tried to get the actors to _________ to the next scene by hand signals.vTe傲朋学习网
A. move on vTe傲朋学习网
B. move off vTe傲朋学习网
C. move out vTe傲朋学习网
D. move along vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
16. It may be necessary to stop ______in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.vTe傲朋学习网
A. at case vTe傲朋学习网
B. at length vTe傲朋学习网
C. at intervals vTe傲朋学习网
D. at a distance vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
17. I know he failed his last test, but really he’s _________ stupid.vTe傲朋学习网
A. something but vTe傲朋学习网
B. anything but vTe傲朋学习网
C. nothing but vTe傲朋学习网
D. not but vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
18. It is clear that lack of education will greatly ____ the laid-off workers from getting a job again.vTe傲朋学习网
A. hamper vTe傲朋学习网
B. confuse vTe傲朋学习网
C. perplex vTe傲朋学习网
D. reverse vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
19. The old paper mill has been ______to make way for a new shopping centre.vTe傲朋学习网
A. held down vTe傲朋学习网
B. kept down vTe傲朋学习网
C. cut down vTe傲朋学习网
D. turn down vTe傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
20. A series of strikes have ____ many of the basic industries in that country.vTe傲朋学习网
A. crippled vTe傲朋学习网
B. damaged vTe傲朋学习网
C. changed vTe傲朋学习网
D. decreased vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
21. The nurse was dismissed because she was found to be ____.vTe傲朋学习网
A. roundabout vTe傲朋学习网
B. corresponding vTe傲朋学习网
C. vigilant vTe傲朋学习网
D. negligent vTe傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
22. These causes produced the great change in the country that modernized the _______- of higher education from the mid-1860’s to the mid-1880’svTe傲朋学习网
A. branch vTe傲朋学习网
B. category vTe傲朋学习网
C. domain vTe傲朋学习网
D. scope vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
23. The students, ____ reading their books, did not observe me enter the classroom.vTe傲朋学习网
A. deficient in vTe傲朋学习网
B. adequate for vTe傲朋学习网
C. short of vTe傲朋学习网
D. intent on vTe傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
24. His talent is quite ____.vTe傲朋学习网
A. mere vTe傲朋学习网
B. unique vTe傲朋学习网
C. single vTe傲朋学习网
D. only vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
25. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days.vTe傲朋学习网
A. must take vTe傲朋学习网
B. must have made vTe傲朋学习网
C. was able to make vTe傲朋学习网
D. could make vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
26. Politically these nations tend to be ______,with very high birth rates but poor education and very low levels of literacy.vTe傲朋学习网
A. unsteady vTe傲朋学习网
B. unstable vTe傲朋学习网
C. rational vTe傲朋学习网
D. reluctant vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
27. ______recent developments we do not think your scheme is practical.vTe傲朋学习网
A. In view of vTe傲朋学习网
B. In favor of vTe傲朋学习网
C. In case of vTe傲朋学习网
D. In memory of vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
28. The local people were joyfully surprised to find the price of vegetables no longer ______ according to the weather.vTe傲朋学习网
A. altered vTe傲朋学习网
B. converted vTe傲朋学习网
C. fluctuated vTe傲朋学习网
D. modified vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
29. The lost car of the Lees was found _______ in the woods off the highway .vTe傲朋学习网
A. vanished vTe傲朋学习网
B. scattered vTe傲朋学习网
C. abandoned vTe傲朋学习网
D. rejected vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
30. The old Roman walls may still be seen, but not in their ____. vTe傲朋学习网
A. integrity vTe傲朋学习网
B. compactness vTe傲朋学习网
C. installment vTe傲朋学习网
D. flexibility vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
31. Foreign disinvestment and the ________ of South Africa from world capital markets after 1985 further weakened its economy.vTe傲朋学习网
A. displacement vTe傲朋学习网
B. elimination vTe傲朋学习网
C. exclusion vTe傲朋学习网
D. exception vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
32. Fuel scarcities and price increases ________ automobile designers to scale down the largest models and to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks .vTe傲朋学习网
A. persuaded vTe傲朋学习网
B. prompted vTe傲朋学习网
C. imposed vTe傲朋学习网
D. enlightened vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
33. For a little while the girl ____ for her dead cat, but she got over it after a few days.vTe傲朋学习网
A. ached vTe傲朋学习网
B. depressed vTe傲朋学习网
C. grieved vTe傲朋学习网
D. upset vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
34. Martin lay____on the bed all night,turning over and over in his mind the great decision he might have to make.vTe傲朋学习网
A. wake vTe傲朋学习网
B. awake vTe傲朋学习网
C. waken vTe傲朋学习网
D. woke vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
35. His contribution to the program was ____ because 99 percent of the work was completed by his colleagues.vTe傲朋学习网
A. invisible vTe傲朋学习网
B. negligible vTe傲朋学习网
C. appreciable vTe傲朋学习网
D. considerable vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
36. I am not______ with my roommate but I have to share the room with her ,because I have nowhere else to live.vTe傲朋学习网
A. concerned vTe傲朋学习网
B. compatible vTe傲朋学习网
C. considerate vTe傲朋学习网
D. complied vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
37. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.vTe傲朋学习网
A. I was and always will be vTe傲朋学习网
B. I have to be and always will be vTe傲朋学习网
C. I had been and always will be vTe傲朋学习网
D. I have been and always will be vTe傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
38. I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat ______ .vTe傲朋学习网
A. disapproval vTe傲朋学习网
B. rejection vTe傲朋学习网
C. refusal vTe傲朋学习网
D. decline vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
39. Because Bob had stopped reading his technical journals he was ____ of new development in his field.vTe傲朋学习网
A. tedious vTe傲朋学习网
B. subtle vTe傲朋学习网
C. ignorant vTe傲朋学习网
D. intellectual vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
40. Equipment not______ official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.vTe傲朋学习网
A. conforming to vTe傲朋学习网
B. consistent with vTe傲朋学习网
C. predominant over vTe傲朋学习网
D. providing for vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
41. American companies are evolving from mass-production to _______ enterprises.vTe傲朋学习网
A. moveable vTe傲朋学习网
B. changing vTe傲朋学习网
C. flexible vTe傲朋学习网
D. varying vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
42. I have looked all over the office for my jar of glue. It seemed to have ____.vTe傲朋学习网
A. vapoured vTe傲朋学习网
B. vanished vTe傲朋学习网
C. vibrated vTe傲朋学习网
D. reduced vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
43. You don’t have to install this radio in your new car . It’s an _______ extra.vTe傲朋学习网
A. excessive vTe傲朋学习网
B. optional vTe傲朋学习网
C. additional vTe傲朋学习网
D. arbitrary vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
44. That was not the first time he ________ us. I think it’s high time we ________ strong actions against him.vTe傲朋学习网
A. betrayed…take vTe傲朋学习网
B. had betrayed…took vTe傲朋学习网
C. has betrayed…took vTe傲朋学习网
D. has betrayed…take vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
45. Preliminary estimation puts the figure at around $110 billion, _____ the $160 billion the President is struggling to get through the Congress.vTe傲朋学习网
A. in proportion to vTe傲朋学习网
B. in reply to vTe傲朋学习网
C. in relation to vTe傲朋学习网
D. in contrast to vTe傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
46. Within two days, the army fired more than two hundred rockets and missiles at military _____in the coastal city.vTe傲朋学习网
A. goals vTe傲朋学习网
B. destinations vTe傲朋学习网
C. targets vTe傲朋学习网
D. aims vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
47. Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an ______for breaking the law.vTe傲朋学习网
A. option vTe傲朋学习网
B. intention vTe傲朋学习网
C. approval vTe傲朋学习网
D. excuse vTe傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
48. My students found the book ________: it provided them with an abundance of information on the subject.vTe傲朋学习网
A. enlightening vTe傲朋学习网
B. confusing vTe傲朋学习网
C. distracting vTe傲朋学习网
D. amusing vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
49. At first, the _____ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible ,but , with the painstaking efforts and at great expense ,it became a reality.vTe傲朋学习网
A. transaction vTe傲朋学习网
B. transmission vTe傲朋学习网
C. transformation vTe傲朋学习网
D. transition vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 vTe傲朋学习网
50. In no case will they ____ with folded arms.vTe傲朋学习网
A. pass by vTe傲朋学习网
B. look on vTe傲朋学习网
C. go by vTe傲朋学习网
D. hold on vTe傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分

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