
所属学校:西南大学 科目:英语写作 2019-12-04 00:03:46 作业 英语写作 机考 大学
西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别:网教         专业:英语专业             2019年9月eQT傲朋学习网
课程名称【编号】:英语写作【0846】                    A卷eQT傲朋学习网
大作业                                        满分:100 分eQT傲朋学习网
I. Read the following paragraphs and choose the best answer to each of the questions below. Write the number of your choices on Answer Sheet. (10 points)eQT傲朋学习网
Paragraph 1eQT傲朋学习网
While driving, Brian noticed that something was wrong with his car. It did not speed up as quickly as it did, and he could hear a loud squeaking noise when he turned. Brian checked under the hood, but could find nothing wrong. He called his brother Marc, who was a mechanic, and described the situation, but Marc didn’t have any ideas. Brian told Marc that he would bring the car into the shop the next day. Then, as he was driving into his garage, Brian noticed something. He’d been driving around all day with the emergency brake on. eQT傲朋学习网
Which of the following best describes the cause and effect relationship in the paragraph above? eQT傲朋学习网
1. Because Brian checked under the hood, he found nothing wrong. eQT傲朋学习网
2. Because Brian’s brother was a mechanic, he was unable to tell Brian what was wrong with his car. eQT傲朋学习网
3. Because he’d been driving with the emergency brake on, Brian had some problems with his car. eQT傲朋学习网
4. Because Brian noticed the emergency brake was on, he called his brother. eQT傲朋学习网
Paragraph 2eQT傲朋学习网
Growing older—These words used to strike fear in the hearts and souls of men and women, who envisioned days spent in nursing homes, rocking chairs, poverty, and lack of control over their lives. Truthfully, there are few people today who do feel comfortable with the thought of growing older. Becoming elderly can take people out of the mainstream. They are no longer the sole support for their children, the up-and coming young man, the sweet young thing. For most people, who experience the height of their economic and political power during their fifties, entering the “golden years” can be a letdown and a disappointment.eQT傲朋学习网
But it may not be that way forever. Actually, society as a whole is now beginning to discover the bright side of old age. Because a person is over 65, it doesn’t mean he or she will suddenly become obsolete. Doctors, professors, social workers, and scientists stress the fact that an elderly person is just a young person grown old.eQT傲朋学习网
Which is the best topic sentence for the paragraph above?eQT傲朋学习网
People are facing the frightening reality of growing old.eQT傲朋学习网
Growing old is found to be two-sided instead of being solely gloomy.eQT傲朋学习网
How do people deal with the stress of growing old?eQT傲朋学习网
People should develop confidence in the better future of growing old.eQT傲朋学习网
II. Read the following paragraphs to identify the sentence which is not related to its topic. Write the number of the unrelated sentences on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)eQT傲朋学习网
Paragraph 1eQT傲朋学习网
British Queen Elizabeth II?is 88, and will turn 89 on April 21, although her birthday is typically celebrated in June when the weather is better. (1) The queen and her husband, Prince Philip, who is 93, have cut back on their long-range overseas travels in recent years, leaving it to their children and grandchildren. (2) But not entirely. She has a few engagements in the U.K. next week, and will pay a state visit to Germany in June, according to Buckingham Palace. (3) Meanwhile, she's due to set other records this year: Next month will mark her 63rd year on the throne, having acceded when her father, King George VI, died in February 1952. (4) He died with a lot of regrets for his family. And on Sept. 10, Queen Elizabeth II will pass her great-great grandmother, Queen Victoria, as the longest reigning British monarch ever.eQT傲朋学习网
Paragraph 2eQT傲朋学习网
Every semester we have the opportunity to evaluate our instructors, to judge their lectures, their interest in students' problems, methods of assigning work, and general ability to conduct a class. It is very difficult to evaluate their performance objectively. (1) For example, Senta recently wrote irresponsible remarks about her instructor because she was failing to pass the course. Her friend Sam wrote a good description of the same instructor because he received an A in the course. (2) Both Senta and Sam were not fairly evaluating the instructor. They were affected by the grades they were earning and were biased in their judgments. (3) That’s why they feel so unhappy at school. Another irresponsible form of evaluation occurred when James rated his instructor excellent because the instructor is "easy", who gives few tests and only assigns one paper during the entire term. (4) On the other hand, James rated Professor Jones poor because he assigns text work daily, gives pre-test and post-test reviews, and packs his lectures with a lot of information.III. Put the following group of sentences into correct order. Write the number of the reordered sentences on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)eQT傲朋学习网
Mood is not something you can grab with fingers, but it does make a difference in your life, hence the importance of keeping a good mood.eQT傲朋学习网
Statistics show that a positive mood helps patients’ recovery and a pessimistic mood contributes to depression, which could cause severe mental diseases. eQT傲朋学习网
A good mood helps you stay healthy, both mentally and physically. eQT傲朋学习网
More importantly, being in a sweet mood could also make you more popular.eQT傲朋学习网
You may not believe in the power of mind, but you may believe in science. eQT傲朋学习网
Besides, a nice mood also turns you into a more efficient person. Experienced teachers and bosses must have found out that a cheerful person tends to make a better student or employee than a gloomy one. eQT傲朋学习网
Using a not-so-appropriate metaphor, a good mood is a contagious flu; it passes on from one to another and puts everyone that it touches in a better mood.  eQT傲朋学习网
IV. Composition writing (70 points)eQT傲朋学习网
Write a composition of about 150 words on How to be a good reader. eQT傲朋学习网
Instructions: Suppose you are the director of a community youth program. Offer specific ideas to teenagers about how to acquire the important skills of reading. Present your ideas in a coherent way.eQT傲朋学习网

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