[北京语言大学]20秋《强化口语》(Ⅰ) 离线作业1234(答案)

所属学校:北京语言大学 科目:强化口语 2020-12-08 13:12:11 离线 作业 北京 口语 答案
>《强化口语》(I)作业 Direction: Give answers to the following questions. Your grades will depend on your statements so try to organize your thoughts or ideas to the point but be brief at the same time. Suppose your friend invites you to attend his/her birthday this Sunday, but you cannot make it. How would you decline this invitation politely? Say something that you are going to do on Sunday. (100%) CVD傲朋学习网
《强化口语》(I)作业 Part I. Give answers to the following questions. Your grades will depend on your statements so try to organize your thoughts or ideas to the point but be brief at the same time.CVD傲朋学习网
Nowadays many people rush to the big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai for a living, what about you? Do you want to live in the big city or countryside? Tell your reasons. (100%) CVD傲朋学习网
《强化口语》(I)作业 Part I. Give answers to the following questions. Your grades will depend on your statements so try to organize your thoughts or ideas to the point but be brief at the same time.CVD傲朋学习网
Say something about traveling. Suppose you and your family had visited many places during the winter vacation, how do you like this traveling experience? Why do you choose to go out for a traveling? Describe those places you visited in a simple way. (100%) CVD傲朋学习网
《强化口语》(I)作业 Give answers to the following questions. Your grades will depend on your statements so try to organize your thoughts or ideas to the point but be brief at the same time. 1.为孩子聘请家教目前非常普遍CVD傲朋学习网
3.我的看法 CVD傲朋学习网

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