读一读, 给句子排序, 使其成为一段完整的对话 

所属学校:学历教育 科目:小学英语 2024-06-20 09:25:42 小学英语

读一读, 给句子排序, 使其成为一段完整的对话

________Oh! My sister is a nurse, too. What's your brother's job?

________Good morning, Ann. Who's that girl? She has long hair.

________He has no job. He's a student.

________She's my sister and she's a nurse.

________He's an English teacher. What about your brother?





Oh! My sister is a nurse, too. What's your brother's job? 哦!我姐姐也是一位护士。你哥哥的工作是什么?

Good morning, Ann. Who's that girl? She has long hair.早上好,Ann。那位女孩是谁?她有一头长发。

He has no job. He's a student. 他没有工作。他是一位学生。

She's my sister and she's a nurse. 她是我姐姐是一位护士。

He's an English teacher. What about your brother? 他是一位英语老师。你的哥哥呢?


— Good morning, Ann. Who's that girl? She has long hair.

— She's my sister and she's a nurse.

— Oh! My sister is a nurse, too. What's your brother's job?

— He's an English teacher. What about your brother?

— He has no job. He's a student.

故答案为:31524 。


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