
层次:初中所属学校:全国 科目:英语 2024-05-17 18:54:48 英语知识点 阅读写作

语言学习包含语言文化、对语言和交流的态度、语言学习策略等细分内容,同学们要了解常见的语言文化,掌握一些常见的语言学习方法。素材积累词汇:Language and culture, Language learning difficulties, Attitudes to language and communication, Language learning strategies.The first step is the only difficulty.万事开头难。Diligence is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母。Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙。话题专练假如你是李强,是英语科代表,受英语老师之托要在班里分享一下学好英语与提高记忆力的方法。请根据以下提示并结合自己的实际情况写一篇英文短文。写作提示:1.一年级开始学习英语,听力有点困难,克服办法:多练习,如听录音、看英文节目和听英文歌曲等;2.提高记忆力的方法:保证足够的睡眠、均衡饮食;3.你的感受和建议。要求:不少于80词,可适当发挥。词汇:tape,program,practice,join.短语:a bit of, as well, balanced diet, put one's heart into...句型:have trouble (in)doing, try to do...English is one of my favorite subjects. I started to learn English when I was in Grade One.In the beginning, I had a bit of trouble listening, so I did a lot of practice to improve it, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs and listening to English songs. I tried to improve my memory as well. I made sure that l got enough sleep. I also had a balanced diet every day. After doing these, I found they really helped me a lot.In fact, I have some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I have joined an English club to improve my English. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.

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