
所属学校:福建师范大学 科目:大学英语(1) 2015-03-17 11:44:41

一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)Vd1M傲朋学习网

1.  His tone _____B______ his real feelings more truly than his words.d1M傲朋学习网

A. brought     B. conveyed     C. handed     D. fetchedd1M傲朋学习网

2.  It _______A_____ whether he will go on with his study at the university.d1M傲朋学习网

A. hasn't been decided      B. isn't decided    C. hasn't decided    D. doesn't decided1M傲朋学习网

3.  It is ___C___ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.d1M傲朋学习网

A. so unusual   B. such unusual   C. such an unusual   D. so an unusuald1M傲朋学习网

4.  "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." "Oh, not at all. I ______A______here only a few minutes."d1M傲朋学习网

A. have been   B. had been   C. was   D. will  d1M傲朋学习网

5.  ― You should have given them some suggestions. ― _____D_______ , but who would listen to me?d1M傲朋学习网

A. So should I     B. So I should      C. So did I     D. So I didd1M傲朋学习网

6.  There are many sheep__C__their farm.d1M傲朋学习网

A. at     B. in     C. on     D. withind1M傲朋学习网

7.  I'm afraid I can't finish the work ______B______to help me.d1M傲朋学习网

A. unless you will come    B. unless you come    d1M傲朋学习网

C. until you will come   D. until you shall comed1M傲朋学习网

8.  The problem of housing______C______ lead to the problem of social instability.d1M傲朋学习网

A. itself    B. must     C. did     D. neverd1M傲朋学习网

9.  There were no tickets _____C____ for Sunday's performance.d1M傲朋学习网

A. possible   B. probable    C. available     D. feasibled1M傲朋学习网

10.  This company was the first_____B_______portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.d1M傲朋学习网

A. producing    B. to produce    C. having produced    D. producedd1M傲朋学习网

11.  ― You should have thanked her before you left.― I meant______B______, but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.d1M傲朋学习网

A. to do    B. to    C. doing     D. doing sod1M傲朋学习网

12.  Seeing the police coming, away_______C_____ .d1M傲朋学习网

A. the thieves ran    B. had the thieves rund1M傲朋学习网

C. ran the thieves     D. did the thieves rund1M傲朋学习网

13.  John does a lot of housework every evening, but now he ______B______his schoolmates with their lessons.d1M傲朋学习网

A. help    B. is helping    C. helps     D. has helpedd1M傲朋学习网

14.  If you______C______quiet, I'll tell you what happened.d1M傲朋学习网

A. be    B. are to be     C. are     D. will bed1M傲朋学习网

15.  ―Tomorrow is my birthday. ―_____C_____.d1M傲朋学习网

A. Oh, I have a good idea.     B. I am glad you like it.d1M傲朋学习网

C. Many happy returns of the day!     D. You must be very happy.d1M傲朋学习网

16.  I am sorry_____C_______ written you a letter at the time.d1M傲朋学习网

A. to have not   B. to not have    C. not to have    D. not havingd1M傲朋学习网

17.  I'd like to _____C_____ him to you for the job. He is a very clever and industrious boy.d1M傲朋学习网

A. refer    B. suggest    C. recommend    D. proposed1M傲朋学习网

18.  He ______D______ not to leave waste paper in public places any more.d1M傲朋学习网

A. warns      B. warned      C. is warned     D. was warnedd1M傲朋学习网

19.  This new clue ___A____ the policemen and they were more confused by the murder.d1M傲朋学习网

A. puzzled    B. surprised     C. trapped     D. discouragedd1M傲朋学习网

20.  I remember_____C_______him____________the bike needed____________.d1M傲朋学习网

A. hearing ... saying ... to repair     B. to hear ... say ... to repaird1M傲朋学习网

C. hearing ... say ... repairing       D. to hear ... saying ... to be repairedd1M傲朋学习网

21.  The thief took away the woman's wallet without_____A_______.d1M傲朋学习网

A. being seen    B. seeing     C. him seeing     D. seeing himd1M傲朋学习网

22.  We all know knowledge begins _D__ practice.d1M傲朋学习网

A. at    B. from    C. in     D. withd1M傲朋学习网

23.  She didn't fancy __D_ out alone.d1M傲朋学习网

A. go     B. to go     C. of going     D. goingd1M傲朋学习网

24.  The rising _C__ of living is as hard on country families as on city families.d1M傲朋学习网

A. price     B. spend     C. expense     D. amountd1M傲朋学习网

25.  She's the only child in her family, but they didn't really ___C____ her.d1M傲朋学习网

A. hurt     B. damage    C. spoil     D. harmd1M傲朋学习网

26.  Just calm down --- it doesn't__B_anything to get so hysterical.d1M傲朋学习网

A. become    B. solve    C. turn     D. involved1M傲朋学习网

27.  When are they ______C______ in their plan?d1M傲朋学习网

A. hand    B. handed    C. to hand     D. gived1M傲朋学习网

28.  If I had remembered_____A_______the door, the things would not have been stolen.d1M傲朋学习网

A. to lock    B. locking     C. to have locked      D. having lockedd1M傲朋学习网

29.  This state _B__ the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors.d1M傲朋学习网

A. forbids    B. prohibits    C. prevents    D. discouragesd1M傲朋学习网

30.  Don't worry. Everything will_____A_______in time.d1M傲朋学习网

A. be finished     B. finish     C. finished     D. be finishingd1M傲朋学习网

31.  The red rose is her ____B______.d1M傲朋学习网

A. favor     B. favorite     C. like      D. bestd1M傲朋学习网

32.  With the problem ______C______ , we are getting along even more smoothly.d1M傲朋学习网

A. settles     B. to settle     C. settled     D. to be settlingd1M傲朋学习网

33.  My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _____D_______ from you sometime.d1M傲朋学习网

A. to have heard     B. to hear     C. for hearing     D. hearingd1M傲朋学习网

34.  Four hours___C___ too long for him to write the letter.d1M傲朋学习网

A. has    B. are    C. is     D. haved1M傲朋学习网

35.  The artist spends most of his spare time _D__ butterfly specimens.d1M傲朋学习网

A. collect    B. collects     C. to collect     D. collectingd1M傲朋学习网

36.  There_______D_____more than 300,000 kinds of plants on the earth.d1M傲朋学习网

A. is     B. are existing    C. exists     D. existd1M傲朋学习网

37.  I wanted to study physics, but my teacher said I wasn't__A__ enough.d1M傲朋学习网

A. bright     B. pretty    C. real     D. polited1M傲朋学习网

38.  The little girl must have lain there for a long time,_____B_______ ?d1M傲朋学习网

A. mustn't she    B. hasn't she    C. wasn't she     D. didn't shed1M傲朋学习网

39.  Mark often attempts to escape _____D_______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.d1M傲朋学习网

A. having been fined    B. to have been fined    C. to be fined     D. being finedd1M傲朋学习网

40.  Everything seems all right, ______A______ ?d1M傲朋学习网

A. doesn't it    B. won't it    C. hasn't it    D. don't theyd1M傲朋学习网

41.  It is _C__ that I am looking for.d1M傲朋学习网

A. himself    B. he    C. him    D. he himselfd1M傲朋学习网

42.  He and his family had to ___B___ on 50$ a week.d1M傲朋学习网

A. pay     B. spend     C. live      D. existd1M傲朋学习网

43.  _B__ Thursday evening at seven, Dr. Stanley will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on Three Days in China.d1M傲朋学习网

A. In    B. On     C. At      D. Fromd1M傲朋学习网

44.  My classmate______B______a lot of good deeds for others.d1M傲朋学习网

A. has been done     B. did     C. was doing     D. had doned1M傲朋学习网

45.  The convict was ___C____ from prison after serving his sentence.d1M傲朋学习网

A. refused     B. driven    C. released    D. relievedd1M傲朋学习网

46.  "Did you enjoy last night's concert?""Yes. Though the last piece_____A_______rather poorly. "d1M傲朋学习网

A. was played     B. played     C. was playing     D. playingd1M傲朋学习网

47.  A party is the______D______ activity I want to take part in.d1M傲朋学习网

A. just     B. good     C. most      D. veryd1M傲朋学习网

48.  No sooner_______A_____to bed than he heard a knock at the door.d1M傲朋学习网

A. had he gone    B. he had gone    C. did he go     D. he wentd1M傲朋学习网

49.  Anyone _______C_____ a term in prison will not be hired by that company.d1M傲朋学习网

A. serving    B. to be served    C. having served     D. being servedd1M傲朋学习网

50.  My friend __D__ to visit the Great Wall, too.d1M傲朋学习网

A. does not plan   B. plan not    C. not plans. Plans   D.plansd1M傲朋学习网


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