
所属学校:东北师范大学 科目:报刊选读 2015-03-17 12:48:10
2013秋第一次在线作业 pH0傲朋学习网
试卷总分:100 奥鹏学习网(aopeng123.cn) 发布 pH0傲朋学习网
一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。) pH0傲朋学习网
V pH0傲朋学习网
1. acceleratepH0傲朋学习网
A. person who applies for a job pH0傲朋学习网
B. strongly inspire sb. pH0傲朋学习网
C. move or happen more quickly pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
2. According to the article , colleges officials should be blamed for cheating in _______.pH0傲朋学习网
A. college rankings pH0傲朋学习网
B. school rankings pH0傲朋学习网
C. alumni pH0傲朋学习网
D. the number of applicants pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
3. In Hamilton Country, where Westfield sits, the Hispanic population has increased----- percent in10 years.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 70 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 31 pH0傲朋学习网
C. 143 pH0傲朋学习网
D. 58 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
4. According to the report issued by the Independent Women’s Forum, ___college women regard marriage as their life goal.pH0傲朋学习网
A. all pH0傲朋学习网
B. few pH0傲朋学习网
C. most pH0傲朋学习网
D. some pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
5. According to expert, ___difficult marriages can be salvaged.pH0傲朋学习网
A. all pH0傲朋学习网
B. none pH0傲朋学习网
C. few pH0傲朋学习网
D. most pH0傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
6. In an economic slump, who is more likely to bear the brunt?pH0傲朋学习网
A. the layoff workers pH0傲朋学习网
B. the bosses pH0傲朋学习网
C. the U.S. citizens pH0傲朋学习网
D. the temps pH0傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
7. Frustrated parents are lifting their voices to protest the bulging backpacks of after-school assignments at the following places except________.pH0傲朋学习网
A. at basketball practices nationwide pH0傲朋学习网
B. at dinner tables pH0傲朋学习网
C. at soccer practices nationwide pH0傲朋学习网
D. at school-board meetings pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
8. The 1996 welfare law took away the right of most ___ to collect government food aid.pH0傲朋学习网
A. African Americans pH0傲朋学习网
B. laid off workers pH0傲朋学习网
C. illegal immigrants pH0傲朋学习网
D. legal immigrants pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
9. According to the text, what did the Fort Collins,Colo. couple resort to when their marriage was in trouble?pH0傲朋学习网
A. churches pH0傲朋学习网
B. community mental-health centers pH0傲朋学习网
C. marriage-education course pH0傲朋学习网
D. therapist pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
10. A 200-point increase in the average SAT score of the college attended resulted in _____greater earnings for students from families in the lowest fifth of income distribution .pH0傲朋学习网
A. 5% pH0傲朋学习网
B. 6% pH0傲朋学习网
C. 7% pH0傲朋学习网
D. 8% pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
11. gratifypH0傲朋学习网
A. please or satisfy pH0傲朋学习网
B. discourage pH0傲朋学习网
C. supremacy pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
12. onslaughtpH0傲朋学习网
A. a violent attack pH0傲朋学习网
B. attack with ridicule or censure pH0傲朋学习网
C. intensively pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
13. The percentage of ------ full-time faculty members has remained vitally stagnant over the last 20 years。pH0傲朋学习网
A. African-American pH0傲朋学习网
B. Hispanic pH0傲朋学习网
C. Asian-American pH0傲朋学习网
D. woman pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
14. cachetpH0傲朋学习网
A. prestige pH0傲朋学习网
B. dark and unpleasant pH0傲朋学习网
C. equivalent pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
15. confrontationalpH0傲朋学习网
A. I clash of opinions and ideas pH0傲朋学习网
B. a sudden, violent disruption or upset pH0傲朋学习网
C. to express sorrow or regret pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
16. intactpH0傲朋学习网
A. having all physical parts, especially pH0傲朋学习网
B. connect with sb or sth pH0傲朋学习网
C. give in pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
17. According to most educators , __________ is not the virtues of homework.pH0傲朋学习网
A. building good study habits pH0傲朋学习网
B. building time-management skills pH0傲朋学习网
C. reinforcing the day’s lessons pH0傲朋学习网
D. crying jags pH0傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
18. By the _____, building life skills came into vogue .pH0傲朋学习网
A. 1930s pH0傲朋学习网
B. 1940s pH0傲朋学习网
C. 1950s pH0傲朋学习网
D. 1960s pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
19. ______ a Catholic among the following Presidents .pH0傲朋学习网
A. Eisenhower was pH0傲朋学习网
B. John F. Kennedy was pH0傲朋学习网
C. Jimmy Carter is pH0傲朋学习网
D. George W. Bush is pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
20. Tejano music is dynamite in ---- but not in California, whose technobanda music does not sell elsewhere.pH0傲朋学习网
A. Texas pH0傲朋学习网
B. New Jersey pH0傲朋学习网
C. Georgia pH0傲朋学习网
D. Wisconsin pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
21. bulgepH0傲朋学习网
A. irregular swelling pH0傲朋学习网
B. change direction suddenly pH0傲朋学习网
C. good quality pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
22. flounderpH0傲朋学习网
A. to struggle pH0傲朋学习网
B. to compensate for sth. pH0傲朋学习网
C. to save pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
23. Where can you get therapy for marital problems ?pH0傲朋学习网
A. free counseling groups pH0傲朋学习网
B. a doctor pH0傲朋学习网
C. marriage-education course pH0傲朋学习网
D. your neighbour pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
24. veerpH0傲朋学习网
A. change direction suddenly pH0傲朋学习网
B. person who applies for job pH0傲朋学习网
C. find fault and complain pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
25. alumnuspH0傲朋学习网
A. former pupil or student pH0傲朋学习网
B. sham, spurious pH0傲朋学习网
C. person who applies for job pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
26. school-boardpH0傲朋学习网
A. 学校教工大会 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 学校董事会 pH0傲朋学习网
C. 学校组织 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
27. assumepH0傲朋学习网
A. of two races pH0傲朋学习网
B. suppose pH0傲朋学习网
C. of other Spanish-speaking countries pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
28. Although the populations of majority in the U.S. approve gun controls, the NRA still gained _____ members last year.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 200,000 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 300,000 pH0傲朋学习网
C. 400,000 pH0傲朋学习网
D. 500,000 pH0傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
29. _______is a distinct advantage if you want a career at what passes for the American establishment.pH0傲朋学习网
A. gilt-edged diploma pH0傲朋学习网
B. wealthy family pH0傲朋学习网
C. Ability pH0傲朋学习网
D. Alumni connection pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
30. According to the text, open-air films are offered in these places except a _____ .pH0傲朋学习网
A. park pH0傲朋学习网
B. pier pH0傲朋学习网
C. grassy amphitheater pH0傲朋学习网
D. stadium pH0傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 pH0傲朋学习网
2013秋第一次在线作业 pH0傲朋学习网
试卷总分:100 奥鹏学习网(aopeng123.cn) 发布 pH0傲朋学习网
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。) pH0傲朋学习网
V pH0傲朋学习网
1. Admissions offices at elite schools include many other criteria in their decisions―grades, extracurricular activities, recommendations, essays, interviews.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 错误 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 正确 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:4 分 pH0傲朋学习网
2. According to the article, colleges officials should be blamed for cheating in college rankings.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 错误 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 正确 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:4 分 pH0傲朋学习网
3. Winston Churchill often described parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy as being imperfect----but the best that man had yet devised.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 错误 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 正确 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:4 分 pH0傲朋学习网
4. In Britain the monarch remains very much at the heart of its Constitution.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 错误 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 正确 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:4 分 pH0傲朋学习网
5. Admissions offices at elite schools include many other criteria in their decisions―grades, extracurricular activities, recommendations, essays , interviews.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 错误 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 正确 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:4 分 pH0傲朋学习网
6. “Soothe” means to make someone uncomfortablepH0傲朋学习网
A. 错误 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 正确 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:4 分 pH0傲朋学习网
7. In Britain the monarch remains very much at the heart of its Constitution.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 错误 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 正确 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:4 分 pH0傲朋学习网
8. The Bush administration decided to make military or covert action against Saddam Hussein without any conditions.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 错误 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 正确 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:4 分 pH0傲朋学习网
9. Officials in the USA held different views of their action to Iraq.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 错误 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 正确 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:4 分 pH0傲朋学习网
10. Queen Elizabeth2 cannot choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament or declare war.pH0傲朋学习网
A. 错误 pH0傲朋学习网
B. 正确 pH0傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:4 分

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