
所属学校:兰州大学 科目:大学英语(1) 2015-03-17 13:46:35
《大学英语(1)》14春在线作业3 xNo傲朋学习网
试卷总分:100 奥鹏学习网(aopeng123.cn) 发布 xNo傲朋学习网
一、单选题(共 100 道试题,共 100 分。) xNo傲朋学习网
V xNo傲朋学习网
1. If you are too____ of your children, they will never learn to deal with difficulties in life.xNo傲朋学习网
A. respective xNo傲朋学习网
B. detective xNo傲朋学习网
C. protective xNo傲朋学习网
D. effective. xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
2. If the pressure is not _______ immediately, there may be an explosion.xNo傲朋学习网
A. relieved xNo傲朋学习网
B. retreated xNo傲朋学习网
C. revealed xNo傲朋学习网
D. released xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
3. You should avoid working with such people _____you wish to be put into prison one day.xNo傲朋学习网
A. as soon as xNo傲朋学习网
B. unless xNo傲朋学习网
C. on the condition that xNo傲朋学习网
D. for fear that xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
4. If one ____by pride, he will reject useful advice and friendly assistance.xNo傲朋学习网
A. overcomes xNo傲朋学习网
B. isovercome xNo傲朋学习网
C. hasbeenovercome xNo傲朋学习网
D. didovercome xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
5. _____ wonderful party we are having?xNo傲朋学习网
A. How xNo傲朋学习网
B. What xNo傲朋学习网
C. Howmuch xNo傲朋学习网
D. Whata xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
6. The good man seemed us all that he knew at this last lessen.xNo傲朋学习网
A. to try teaching xNo傲朋学习网
B. to be trying to teach xNo傲朋学习网
C. to try to teach xNo傲朋学习网
D. to be trying teaching xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
7. Wine is absolutely ______to all children.xNo傲朋学习网
A. forbid xNo傲朋学习网
B. forbade xNo傲朋学习网
C. forbad xNo傲朋学习网
D. forbidding xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
8. There are _____on the hill.xNo傲朋学习网
A. sheepes xNo傲朋学习网
B. sheeps xNo傲朋学习网
C. asheep xNo傲朋学习网
D. sheep xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
9. What is a telephone used _____, class?xNo傲朋学习网
A. to xNo傲朋学习网
B. in xNo傲朋学习网
C. for xNo傲朋学习网
D. about xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
10. They competed to see who could work _____.xNo傲朋学习网
A. thefastestandthebest xNo傲朋学习网
B. thefasterandbetter xNo傲朋学习网
C. fastestandbetter xNo傲朋学习网
D. fasterandbest xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
11. The teacher said that the earth ____around the sun.xNo傲朋学习网
A. run xNo傲朋学习网
B. ran xNo傲朋学习网
C. wasrunning xNo傲朋学习网
D. runs xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
12. Bread and butter ______liked by Westerners.xNo傲朋学习网
A. is xNo傲朋学习网
B. are xNo傲朋学习网
C. were xNo傲朋学习网
D. be xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
13. They turned _____at the party, in spite of the awful weather.xNo傲朋学习网
A. in xNo傲朋学习网
B. out xNo傲朋学习网
C. up xNo傲朋学习网
D. back xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
14. Every passenger is _____to wear a seat belt in the plane.xNo傲朋学习网
A. received xNo傲朋学习网
B. regarded xNo傲朋学习网
C. guessed xNo傲朋学习网
D. supposed xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
15. Nobody but doctors and nurses and those _____by Dr. Hu _____to enter the patients room.xNo傲朋学习网
A. invited xNo傲朋学习网
B. isallowing xNo傲朋学习网
C. areinvited xNo傲朋学习网
D. areallowed xNo傲朋学习网
E. beinginvited xNo傲朋学习网
F. allowed xNo傲朋学习网
G. invited xNo傲朋学习网
H. areallowed xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
16. She had been kind to me, so I felt ______ to help her when she was in trouble.xNo傲朋学习网
A. detached xNo傲朋学习网
B. obliged xNo傲朋学习网
C. generous xNo傲朋学习网
D. virtuous xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
17. The mad man was put in the soft padded cell lest he ______ himselfxNo傲朋学习网
A. injure xNo傲朋学习网
B. had injured xNo傲朋学习网
C. injured xNo傲朋学习网
D. would injure xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
18. Seldom ______his child a present.xNo傲朋学习网
A. gives he xNo傲朋学习网
B. he gives xNo傲朋学习网
C. does he give xNo傲朋学习网
D. he give xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
19. Tim seems _____about something .xNo傲朋学习网
A. be angry xNo傲朋学习网
B. angrily xNo傲朋学习网
C. very angrily xNo傲朋学习网
D. angry xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
20. She has bought a pair of glasses, which she can never ______when reading books.xNo傲朋学习网
A. dowith xNo傲朋学习网
B. dowithout xNo傲朋学习网
C. doup xNo傲朋学习网
D. doaway xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
21. --- Do you like the new pen?--- Yes, it ____ smoothly.xNo傲朋学习网
A. iswritten xNo傲朋学习网
B. iswriting xNo傲朋学习网
C. writes xNo傲朋学习网
D. wrote xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
22. We’ve done once but faile; We’ll have to do it ______time.xNo傲朋学习网
A. a second xNo傲朋学习网
B. the second xNo傲朋学习网
C. the twice xNo傲朋学习网
D. twice xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
23. The newspaper did not mention the _______ of the damage caused by the fire.xNo傲朋学习网
A. range xNo傲朋学习网
B. level xNo傲朋学习网
C. extent xNo傲朋学习网
D. quantity xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
24. We must arrange everything ______well ______me can.xNo傲朋学习网
A. so…..as xNo傲朋学习网
B. so…..so xNo傲朋学习网
C. as……so xNo傲朋学习网
D. as…….as xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
25. My father-in-law, _____handwriting I enjoy very much, is coming to Beijing tomorrow.xNo傲朋学习网
A. his xNo傲朋学习网
B. which xNo傲朋学习网
C. ofwhom xNo傲朋学习网
D. whose xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
26. In order to make things convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some ______ shops in the residential arexNo傲朋学习网
A. flowing xNo傲朋学习网
B. drifting xNo傲朋学习网
C. mobile xNo傲朋学习网
D. unstable xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
27. The two boys ____ each other in that they both have reddish hair and a round face.xNo傲朋学习网
A. like xNo傲朋学习网
B. resemble xNo傲朋学习网
C. similarto xNo傲朋学习网
D. referto xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
28. Who is the first _____?xNo傲朋学习网
A. toarrive xNo傲朋学习网
B. toreach xNo傲朋学习网
C. arriving xNo傲朋学习网
D. reaching xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
29. Generation gap means that parents have old-fashioned _____ while the young have the opposite.xNo傲朋学习网
A. spending xNo傲朋学习网
B. values xNo傲朋学习网
C. cost xNo傲朋学习网
D. worth xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
30. When ______ the car ________?xNo傲朋学习网
A. did,invent xNo傲朋学习网
B. was,invented xNo傲朋学习网
C. does,invent xNo傲朋学习网
D. in,invented xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
31. Don’t smoke until the plane _____off.xNo傲朋学习网
A. takes xNo傲朋学习网
B. took xNo傲朋学习网
C. hastaken xNo傲朋学习网
D. hadtaken xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
32. A lot of people are too busy _____money to care about other things.xNo傲朋学习网
A. making xNo傲朋学习网
B. tomaking xNo傲朋学习网
C. make xNo傲朋学习网
D. tomake xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
33. Vitamins are complex _______ that the body requires in very small mounts.xNo傲朋学习网
A. matters xNo傲朋学习网
B. materials xNo傲朋学习网
C. particles xNo傲朋学习网
D. substances xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
34. All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the _______ they keep from someone they talk with.xNo傲朋学习网
A. distance xNo傲朋学习网
B. scope xNo傲朋学习网
C. range xNo傲朋学习网
D. boundary xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
35. There is ____cup on the table. ______cup is full of _____texNo傲朋学习网
A. a,the,X xNo傲朋学习网
B. a,a, X xNo傲朋学习网
C. the,the,X xNo傲朋学习网
D. a,a,the xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
36. . She ______in a small house.xNo傲朋学习网
A. used to living xNo傲朋学习网
B. was used to live xNo傲朋学习网
C. used to live xNo傲朋学习网
D. was used to living xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
37. English _____all over the worl; And many children start to learn English at very young age.xNo傲朋学习网
A. isspeaking xNo傲朋学习网
B. speaking xNo傲朋学习网
C. speaks xNo傲朋学习网
D. isspoken xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
38. Why don’t you _____ to cassettes?xNo傲朋学习网
A. listening xNo傲朋学习网
B. listen xNo傲朋学习网
C. listened xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
39. It’s a good problem for them _________.xNo傲朋学习网
A. tobeworkingout xNo傲朋学习网
B. workout xNo傲朋学习网
C. toworkout xNo傲朋学习网
D. tohaveworkout xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
40. You can write about ______.xNo傲朋学习网
A. whatever you think of xNo傲朋学习网
B. of which you think about xNo傲朋学习网
C. what do you think of xNo傲朋学习网
D. that you think of xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
41. How ____he plays the violin!xNo傲朋学习网
A. graceful xNo傲朋学习网
B. grace xNo傲朋学习网
C. gracefully xNo傲朋学习网
D. gracefulness xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
42. _______are nine.xNo傲朋学习网
A. Three threes xNo傲朋学习网
B. Three and three xNo傲朋学习网
C. Three three xNo傲朋学习网
D. Threes and threes xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
43. The door was _____and I could not see who she was talking to.xNo傲朋学习网
A. shut xNo傲朋学习网
B. shutted xNo傲朋学习网
C. shutting xNo傲朋学习网
D. being shut xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
44. We must arrange everything ______well ______me can.xNo傲朋学习网
A. so…..as xNo傲朋学习网
B. so…..so xNo傲朋学习网
C. as……so xNo傲朋学习网
D. as…….as xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
45. We will ask the man ______xNo傲朋学习网
A. providingfoodforus xNo傲朋学习网
B. toprovidefoodwithus xNo傲朋学习网
C. providinguswithfood xNo傲朋学习网
D. toprovidefoodforus xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
46. He smokes frequently to ____ his nervous tension.xNo傲朋学习网
A. believe xNo傲朋学习网
B. relife xNo傲朋学习网
C. relieve xNo傲朋学习网
D. berelieved xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
47. That’s all settled, It talked about.xNo傲朋学习网
A. haven’t xNo傲朋学习网
B. mustn’tbe xNo傲朋学习网
C. shouldn’tbe xNo傲朋学习网
D. needn’tbe xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
48. Mary speaks English _____she speaks French.xNo傲朋学习网
A. better than xNo傲朋学习网
B. more better than xNo傲朋学习网
C. gooder than xNo傲朋学习网
D. more goodly than xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
49. We don’t think she is ____ honest girl.xNo傲朋学习网
A. a xNo傲朋学习网
B. an xNo傲朋学习网
C. the xNo傲朋学习网
D. / xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
50. The noise outside was ______ his speech was hardly audible.xNo傲朋学习网
A. too irritating that xNo傲朋学习网
B. so irritating that xNo傲朋学习网
C. such irritating that xNo傲朋学习网
D. so irritating enough that xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
51. The mad man was put in the soft padded cell lest he ______ himselfxNo傲朋学习网
A. injure xNo傲朋学习网
B. hadinjured xNo傲朋学习网
C. injured xNo傲朋学习网
D. wouldinjure xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
52. Mr. Johnson and his ______ daughter do not always understand each other.xNo傲朋学习网
A. eldest xNo傲朋学习网
B. older xNo傲朋学习网
C. oldest xNo傲朋学习网
D. the eldest xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
53. No other salesmen could know how to increase sales, but soon Tim ______ a good solution.xNo傲朋学习网
A. cameupwith xNo傲朋学习网
B. caughtupwith xNo傲朋学习网
C. keptupwith xNo傲朋学习网
D. putupwith xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
54. He took my English-Chinese dictionary _____ mistake.xNo傲朋学习网
A. to xNo傲朋学习网
B. by xNo傲朋学习网
C. about xNo傲朋学习网
D. on xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
55. It ______ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both.xNo傲朋学习网
A. presents xNo傲朋学习网
B. entitles xNo傲朋学习网
C. credits xNo傲朋学习网
D. tips xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
56. My bicycle needs ______xNo傲朋学习网
A. repaired xNo傲朋学习网
B. repairing xNo傲朋学习网
C. to repair xNo傲朋学习网
D. being repaire xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
57. .Professor Black has us _____a composition every Friday.xNo傲朋学习网
A. towrite xNo傲朋学习网
B. written xNo傲朋学习网
C. wrote xNo傲朋学习网
D. write xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
58. The rain _____and the air was cleanxNo傲朋学习网
A. hadstopped xNo傲朋学习网
B. hasstopped xNo傲朋学习网
C. willstop xNo傲朋学习网
D. wasstopped xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
59. I saw your name______ up on the wall.xNo傲朋学习网
A. writen xNo傲朋学习网
B. written xNo傲朋学习网
C. wrote xNo傲朋学习网
D. writing xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
60. My bicycle needs ______.xNo傲朋学习网
A. repaired xNo傲朋学习网
B. repairing xNo傲朋学习网
C. torepair xNo傲朋学习网
D. beingrepaire xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
61. You’ll run ____trouble if you don’t take care.xNo傲朋学习网
A. down xNo傲朋学习网
B. at xNo傲朋学习网
C. across xNo傲朋学习网
D. into xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
62. That tree, the branches___are almost bare ,is a very old one.xNo傲朋学习网
A. whose xNo傲朋学习网
B. inwhich xNo傲朋学习网
C. onwhich xNo傲朋学习网
D. ofwhich xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
63. Miss Green was ______ $100 for driving after drinking.xNo傲朋学习网
A. fined xNo傲朋学习网
B. charge xNo傲朋学习网
C. punished xNo傲朋学习网
D. posed xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
64. These animals are all used to their enviroment;____, they have learned how to live successfully in their habitat.xNo傲朋学习网
A. forexample xNo傲朋学习网
B. what’smore xNo傲朋学习网
C. thatis xNo傲朋学习网
D. orrather xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
65. ----“Do you follow the doctor’s advice that you should lie in bed for a rest?”----“_____.”xNo傲朋学习网
A. Yes , I will xNo傲朋学习网
B. No , I am not xNo傲朋学习网
C. Yes, perfectly xNo傲朋学习网
D. No, I haven’t xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
66. ______of dollars have gone into the building of this factory.xNo傲朋学习网
A. Millions xNo傲朋学习网
B. Threemillions xNo傲朋学习网
C. Million xNo傲朋学习网
D. Threemillion xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
67. We decided against turning to others for help for the reason ____we could manage to control it.xNo傲朋学习网
A. because xNo傲朋学习网
B. for which xNo傲朋学习网
C. that xNo傲朋学习网
D. why xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
68. The strong beam of light from a light house is used by sailors _______.xNo傲朋学习网
A. todeterminingtheirlocation xNo傲朋学习网
B. indeterminingtheirlocation xNo傲朋学习网
C. withdeterminingtheirlocation xNo傲朋学习网
D. whiledeterminingtheirlocation xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
69. I_________ leave my office that day.xNo傲朋学习网
A. can’t xNo傲朋学习网
B. maynot xNo傲朋学习网
C. couldn’t xNo傲朋学习网
D. won’t xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
70. Some very important issues were ______ all his attention.xNo傲朋学习网
A. takingup xNo傲朋学习网
B. takingoff xNo傲朋学习网
C. takingout xNo傲朋学习网
D. takingin xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
71. People _____in this firm were mostly women.xNo傲朋学习网
A. working xNo傲朋学习网
B. worked xNo傲朋学习网
C. work xNo傲朋学习网
D. beingworking xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
72. _______gravity , there would be life on moon.xNo傲朋学习网
A. There were xNo傲朋学习网
B. If there was xNo傲朋学习网
C. Were there xNo傲朋学习网
D. If there had been xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
73. Doctors warned against chewing tobacco as a ______ for smoking.xNo傲朋学习网
A. relief xNo傲朋学习网
B. revival xNo傲朋学习网
C. substitute xNo傲朋学习网
D. succession xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
74. She was short-sighte; She has to wear ______glasses.xNo傲朋学习网
A. apairof xNo傲朋学习网
B. acoupleof xNo傲朋学习网
C. a xNo傲朋学习网
D. two xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
75. __ can we finish the work within three days.xNo傲朋学习网
A. Bynoway xNo傲朋学习网
B. Inthisway xNo傲朋学习网
C. Bynomeans xNo傲朋学习网
D. Bythismeans xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
76. We must try to ______ the best of our moral values for our children and grandchildren.xNo傲朋学习网
A. predict xNo傲朋学习网
B. prescribe xNo傲朋学习网
C. purchase xNo傲朋学习网
D. preserve xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
77. ____ the fog, we should have reached our destination.xNo傲朋学习网
A. Becauseof xNo傲朋学习网
B. Inspiteof xNo傲朋学习网
C. Incaseof xNo傲朋学习网
D. Butfor xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
78. The moon’s surface gravity is only about ______as strong as the earth’s surface gravity.xNo傲朋学习网
A. one-six xNo傲朋学习网
B. one-sixth xNo傲朋学习网
C. six-one xNo傲朋学习网
D. one-sixst xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
79. There isn’t so much noise in the country ____ in big cities.xNo傲朋学习网
A. as xNo傲朋学习网
B. where xNo傲朋学习网
C. Which xNo傲朋学习网
D. that xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
80. .English _____all over the worl; And many children start to learn English at very young age.xNo傲朋学习网
A. isspeaking xNo傲朋学习网
B. speaking xNo傲朋学习网
C. speaks xNo傲朋学习网
D. isspoken xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
81. Keys _______ used for ______ the doors.xNo傲朋学习网
A. is,opening xNo傲朋学习网
B. is,opened xNo傲朋学习网
C. are,opening xNo傲朋学习网
D. areopened xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
82. .His intelligence will_____ him to get a scholarship to college.xNo傲朋学习网
A. enable xNo傲朋学习网
B. persuade xNo傲朋学习网
C. suggest xNo傲朋学习网
D. employ xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
83. This is the first time the students ______ to Hyde Park.xNo傲朋学习网
A. have been gone xNo傲朋学习网
B. have gone xNo傲朋学习网
C. went xNo傲朋学习网
D. have going xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
84. She ______ her mother’s work since she was admitted into hospital.xNo傲朋学习网
A. has been doing xNo傲朋学习网
B. is doing xNo傲朋学习网
C. has done xNo傲朋学习网
D. did xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
85. You cannot be _______ careful when you drive a car.xNo傲朋学习网
A. too xNo傲朋学习网
B. very xNo傲朋学习网
C. so xNo傲朋学习网
D. enough xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
86. My pain ______ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?”xNo傲朋学习网
A. mustbe xNo傲朋学习网
B. musthavebeen xNo傲朋学习网
C. hadbeen xNo傲朋学习网
D. hadtobe xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
87. ______haste, ______spee;xNo傲朋学习网
A. More,less xNo傲朋学习网
B. Much,little xNo傲朋学习网
C. Themore,theless xNo傲朋学习网
D. Themuch,thelittle xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
88. Beijing is ______capital of ______People’s Republic of ChinxNo傲朋学习网
A. the,the xNo傲朋学习网
B. a,a xNo傲朋学习网
C. the,a xNo傲朋学习网
D. a,the xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
89. It ______ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both.xNo傲朋学习网
A. presents xNo傲朋学习网
B. entitles xNo傲朋学习网
C. credits xNo傲朋学习网
D. tips xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
90. She ______ her mother’s work since she was admitted into hospital.xNo傲朋学习网
A. hasbeendoing xNo傲朋学习网
B. isdoing xNo傲朋学习网
C. hasdone xNo傲朋学习网
D. did xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
91. Mr. Smith says: "The media are very good at sensing a mood and then ______ it."xNo傲朋学习网
A. overtaking xNo傲朋学习网
B. enlarging xNo傲朋学习网
C. widening xNo傲朋学习网
D. exaggerating xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
92. There is a great deal of oxygen around us,____we could not live.xNo傲朋学习网
A. withoutit xNo傲朋学习网
B. which xNo傲朋学习网
C. withoutwhich xNo傲朋学习网
D. that xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
93. Mr. Johnson and his ______ daughter do not always understand each other.xNo傲朋学习网
A. eldest xNo傲朋学习网
B. older xNo傲朋学习网
C. oldest xNo傲朋学习网
D. theeldest xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
94. I won’t allow my son to swim across the river, even if he _____it. It’s too dangerous.xNo傲朋学习网
A. daresdo xNo傲朋学习网
B. dareddo xNo傲朋学习网
C. daredo xNo傲朋学习网
D. isdaredo xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
95. The moon’s surface gravity is only about ______as strong as the earth’s surface gravity.xNo傲朋学习网
A. one-six xNo傲朋学习网
B. one-sixth xNo傲朋学习网
C. six-one xNo傲朋学习网
D. one-sixst xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
96. The telephone _____for three minutes before it was answere;xNo傲朋学习网
A. has rung xNo傲朋学习网
B. was ringing xNo傲朋学习网
C. had been ringing xNo傲朋学习网
D. rang xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
97. My dictionary has disappeare;Who ______ have taken it?xNo傲朋学习网
A. should xNo傲朋学习网
B. must xNo傲朋学习网
C. could xNo傲朋学习网
D. would xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
98. A lot of trouble can _____ by using the computer.xNo傲朋学习网
A. saving xNo傲朋学习网
B. saved xNo傲朋学习网
C. save xNo傲朋学习网
D. be saved xNo傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
99. Feeling tired all the time is a __ __ that you may be sick.xNo傲朋学习网
A. mark xNo傲朋学习网
B. sight xNo傲朋学习网
C. sign xNo傲朋学习网
D. trace xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分 xNo傲朋学习网
100. Mrs. Walker has returned _____.xNo傲朋学习网
A. thewallettoitsowner xNo傲朋学习网
B. tothewalletitsowner xNo傲朋学习网
C. toitsownerthewallet xNo傲朋学习网
D. thewalletitsowner xNo傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:1 分

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