21秋 北外 变化中的英语作业A (答案)

所属学校:北京外国语学院 科目: 2021-10-19 21:00:07 作业 英语 北外 答案
变化中的英语作业A The total marks for this assignment are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this assignment is 1 hour (60 minutes). PLEASE WRITE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER SHEET. 题目2y3傲朋学习网
          (1)、 Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly according to what you have learnt from the textbook. Speakers are limited to the English of their own time except in very limited ways. What does this sentence mean? (p177, Unit4,a2, t1) 2y3傲朋学习网
          (2)、 Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly according to what you have learnt from the textbook. Who was Thomas Macaulay? (p138, Unit3,a3, t3) 2y3傲朋学习网
          (3)、 Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly according to what you have learnt from the textbook. What do linguists mean when they say ‘All languages are equal’? (p172, Unit4,a1, t4 ) 2y3傲朋学习网
          (4)、 Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly according to what you have learnt from the textbook. What is Franglais? (p380, Unit8, a2, t3) 2y3傲朋学习网
          (5)、 Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly according to what you have learnt from the textbook. What is makeshift language? (p224, Unit5,a2, t2)

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