
所属学校:福建师范大学 科目:旅游管理专业英语 2015-03-17 16:52:16
福师《旅游管理专业英语》在线作业一 D7v傲朋学习网
试卷总分:100 奥鹏学习网(aopeng123.cn) 发布 D7v傲朋学习网
一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) D7v傲朋学习网
V D7v傲朋学习网
1. It has been years( )I returned home.D7v傲朋学习网
A. after D7v傲朋学习网
B. that D7v傲朋学习网
C. since D7v傲朋学习网
D. when D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
2. A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election( )he has the support from the party-faithful.D7v傲朋学习网
A. in that D7v傲朋学习网
B. in which D7v傲朋学习网
C. for which D7v傲朋学习网
D. for that D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
3. The bad weather is responsible( )the small attendance.D7v傲朋学习网
A. of D7v傲朋学习网
B. to D7v傲朋学习网
C. with D7v傲朋学习网
D. for D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
4. Man’s greatest energy comes not from his physical strength( )his dreams.D7v傲朋学习网
A. except from D7v傲朋学习网
B. yet from D7v傲朋学习网
C. however from D7v傲朋学习网
D. but from D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
5. I’d like to go to the cinema, but I’m( )to.D7v傲朋学习网
A. enable D7v傲朋学习网
B. disable D7v傲朋学习网
C. unable D7v傲朋学习网
D. able D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
6. I was wondering if youd like to go skating?( )D7v傲朋学习网
A. Are you really interested in going D7v傲朋学习网
B. I wonder D7v傲朋学习网
C. Dont you like it D7v傲朋学习网
D. I am afraid I cant do it today D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
7. It is( )to avoid rich foods if you are feeling ill.D7v傲朋学习网
A. senseless D7v傲朋学习网
B. sensible D7v傲朋学习网
C. sentimental D7v傲朋学习网
D. sensitive D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
8. They did find that( )appears in a dream has far greater influence on mood than( )occurs in the dream.D7v傲朋学习网
A. the person ... the thing D7v傲朋学习网
B. who ... what D7v傲朋学习网
C. who ... that D7v傲朋学习网
D. the person who ... which D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
9. The slogan( )to remind the candidate and the staff( )the campaign focused on the nations slow-moving economy.D7v傲朋学习网
A. meant ... of keeping D7v傲朋学习网
B. was meaning ... to keep D7v傲朋学习网
C. was meant ... to keep D7v傲朋学习网
D. had meant ... with keeping D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
10. ( )the drill is, it is very useful in improving your oral English.D7v傲朋学习网
A. Simple you consider D7v傲朋学习网
B. You consider simple D7v傲朋学习网
C. Simple as you consider D7v傲朋学习网
D. As simple you consider D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
11. If I( )a little earlier, I would have caught the train.D7v傲朋学习网
A. left D7v傲朋学习网
B. would leave D7v傲朋学习网
C. leave D7v傲朋学习网
D. had left D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
12. The decision( )how much money should go to education is of vital importance.D7v傲朋学习网
A. due to D7v傲朋学习网
B. owing to D7v傲朋学习网
C. as to D7v傲朋学习网
D. so as to D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
13. In deciding( )a course of action, the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters.D7v傲朋学习网
A. what to pursue D7v傲朋学习网
B. which to pursue D7v傲朋学习网
C. whether to pursue D7v傲朋学习网
D. if to pursue D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
14. As a painter, Ted was very( )about the colors he used.D7v傲朋学习网
A. specific D7v傲朋学习网
B. special D7v傲朋学习网
C. peculiar D7v傲朋学习网
D. particular D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
15. In some big cities in America, there are three or four elementary schools and secondary schools,( ).D7v傲朋学习网
A. with each within one’s walking or cycling distance D7v傲朋学习网
B. each within one’s walking or cycling distance D7v傲朋学习网
C. it is within one’s walking or cycling distance D7v傲朋学习网
D. with each that is within one’s walking or cycling distance D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
16. You will see this product( )wherever you go in this city.D7v傲朋学习网
A. advertise D7v傲朋学习网
B. to be advertised D7v傲朋学习网
C. advertised D7v傲朋学习网
D. advertising D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
17. ( )leisure was generally considered a waste of time.D7v傲朋学习网
A. Not until recently D7v傲朋学习网
B. Not recently D7v傲朋学习网
C. Until recently D7v傲朋学习网
D. Recently until D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
18. If we( )everything ready by now, we should be having a terrible time tomorrow.D7v傲朋学习网
A. hadn’t got D7v傲朋学习网
B. didn’t get D7v傲朋学习网
C. wouldn’t have got D7v傲朋学习网
D. wouldn’t get D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
19. Everyone knows where the office is, but who is the director?( )D7v傲朋学习网
A. Dr. Anderson D7v傲朋学习网
B. Everyone does D7v傲朋学习网
C. On the next floor D7v傲朋学习网
D. Yes, they do D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
20. He is determined to give( ).D7v傲朋学习网
A. up smoking D7v傲朋学习网
B. up to smoke D7v傲朋学习网
C. in to smoke D7v傲朋学习网
D. away smoking D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
21. ( )the sun, the moon looks the biggest object in the sky.D7v傲朋学习网
A. Except for D7v傲朋学习网
B. Besides D7v傲朋学习网
C. Except D7v傲朋学习网
D. Other than D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
22. She was not( )her best in the game today.D7v傲朋学习网
A. at D7v傲朋学习网
B. in D7v傲朋学习网
C. for D7v傲朋学习网
D. to D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
23. Could I speak to Jane please?( )D7v傲朋学习网
A. Sorry, I cant D7v傲朋学习网
B. What are you doing D7v傲朋学习网
C. Can I help you D7v傲朋学习网
D. I am afraid you have got the wrong number D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
24. How many students are from the south?( )D7v傲朋学习网
A. Two hundred dollars D7v傲朋学习网
B. Only two of them D7v傲朋学习网
C. They are John and Tom D7v傲朋学习网
D. Third D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
25. They( )the governments new policies.D7v傲朋学习网
A. are opposed D7v傲朋学习网
B. oppose to D7v傲朋学习网
C. are opposed to D7v傲朋学习网
D. are opposed against D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
26. When the city was( ), everyone knew that total defeat was certain.D7v傲朋学习网
A. cut off D7v傲朋学习网
B. cut down D7v傲朋学习网
C. cut across D7v傲朋学习网
D. cut out D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
27. People and animals are different in their( )to drugs.D7v傲朋学习网
A. acts D7v傲朋学习网
B. actions D7v傲朋学习网
C. activities D7v傲朋学习网
D. reactions D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
28. When will the party be held?( )D7v傲朋学习网
A. In a week D7v傲朋学习网
B. It must be busy D7v傲朋学习网
C. It is hard D7v傲朋学习网
D. It will last three hours D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
29. Make sure the label is firmly( )to the parcel before you mail it.D7v傲朋学习网
A. attributed D7v傲朋学习网
B. accustomed D7v傲朋学习网
C. adjusted D7v傲朋学习网
D. attached D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
30. Most of us require an environment( )outside distraction.D7v傲朋学习网
A. free of D7v傲朋学习网
B. free from D7v傲朋学习网
C. free away D7v傲朋学习网
D. free without D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
31. We neednt( ). Everything turned( )all right in the end.D7v傲朋学习网
A. worry ... up D7v傲朋学习网
B. worry ... down D7v傲朋学习网
C. have worried ... out D7v傲朋学习网
D. have worried ... on D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
32. May I use your bike for a while?( )D7v傲朋学习网
A. Yes, I do D7v傲朋学习网
B. Certainly D7v傲朋学习网
C. What can I do for you? D7v傲朋学习网
D. How about you D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
33. "Do you really want to study philosophy?" the professor asked, slowly and( )emphasis( )each word.D7v傲朋学习网
A. placed ... in D7v傲朋学习网
B. placing ... on D7v傲朋学习网
C. being placed ... at D7v傲朋学习网
D. to place ... by D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
34. Humor is a most( ), yet frequently neglected means of handling the difficult situations in our lives.D7v傲朋学习网
A. affirmative D7v傲朋学习网
B. affectionate D7v傲朋学习网
C. efficient D7v傲朋学习网
D. effective D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
35. The other timing system belongs in our internal clocks, which, left( ), would tie the body to a 25-hour rhythm.D7v傲朋学习网
A. behind D7v傲朋学习网
B. alone D7v傲朋学习网
C. out D7v傲朋学习网
D. aside D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
36. The speaker lectured in( )a way that some people found it hard to understand him.D7v傲朋学习网
A. so D7v傲朋学习网
B. as D7v傲朋学习网
C. such D7v傲朋学习网
D. that D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
37. I always associate this song( )my school days.D7v傲朋学习网
A. by D7v傲朋学习网
B. to D7v傲朋学习网
C. with D7v傲朋学习网
D. in D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
38. Only when I got there( )how badly the crops had been damaged.D7v傲朋学习网
A. did I realize D7v傲朋学习网
B. I realized D7v傲朋学习网
C. then I realized D7v傲朋学习网
D. then did I realize D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
39. Language consists( )words which we put together into sentences.D7v傲朋学习网
A. in D7v傲朋学习网
B. for D7v傲朋学习网
C. of D7v傲朋学习网
D. on D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
40. I know she didn’t pass the qualifying exam, but really she is( )but stupid.D7v傲朋学习网
A. anything D7v傲朋学习网
B. nothing D7v傲朋学习网
C. something D7v傲朋学习网
D. none D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
41. Either my father or my brothers( )to the party.D7v傲朋学习网
A. are going to come D7v傲朋学习网
B. are coming D7v傲朋学习网
C. is coming D7v傲朋学习网
D. is going to come D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
42. How I wish I could bring( )my children in an environment close to nature!D7v傲朋学习网
A. about D7v傲朋学习网
B. in D7v傲朋学习网
C. out D7v傲朋学习网
D. up D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
43. Look, that is the man( )house has burned down in the big fire.D7v傲朋学习网
A. whose D7v傲朋学习网
B. whom D7v傲朋学习网
C. who D7v傲朋学习网
D. whos D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
44. ( )a result( )your bad work, I am forced to dismiss you.D7v傲朋学习网
A. For ... to D7v傲朋学习网
B. Due to ... with D7v傲朋学习网
C. As ... of D7v傲朋学习网
D. Because of ... of D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
45. It was Allen who( )with the bright idea to have a barbecue near the lake.D7v傲朋学习网
A. went up D7v傲朋学习网
B. came along D7v傲朋学习网
C. went along D7v傲朋学习网
D. came up D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
46. Jack often complains( )able to communicate with his parents.D7v傲朋学习网
A. of being not D7v傲朋学习网
B. of not being D7v傲朋学习网
C. being not D7v傲朋学习网
D. not being D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
47. The score was 80 to 78( )the guest team.D7v傲朋学习网
A. in favor of D7v傲朋学习网
B. in way of D7v傲朋学习网
C. in spite of D7v傲朋学习网
D. in view of D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
48. Have I done this right?( )D7v傲朋学习网
A. It is perfect D7v傲朋学习网
B. Youd better have it D7v傲朋学习网
C. I would rather you had it D7v傲朋学习网
D. Youve had it, of course D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
49. I wish you( )me how to swim last year.D7v傲朋学习网
A. taught D7v傲朋学习网
B. have taught D7v傲朋学习网
C. were taught D7v傲朋学习网
D. had taught D7v傲朋学习网
此题选: D 满分:2 分 D7v傲朋学习网
50. Historically, scientists and inventors are one group that seem to take full( )of relaxed moments.D7v傲朋学习网
A. use D7v傲朋学习网
B. chance D7v傲朋学习网
C. advantage D7v傲朋学习网
D. attention D7v傲朋学习网
需要购买答案的联系QQ:79691519满分:2 分

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