
所属学校:东北财经大学 科目:大学英语 2014-06-03 09:05:00

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  Tom's parents died when he was young, so he was __A___ by his uncle.mxz傲朋学习网

A. brought upmxz傲朋学习网

B. brought outmxz傲朋学习网

C. grown upmxz傲朋学习网

D. taken outmxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

2.    Jessica: I got home very late last night. I hope I didn't disturb you.mxz傲朋学习网

Landlady:___D___,  mxz傲朋学习网


A. No. I heard a lot of noisemxz傲朋学习网

B. Yes, I didn't hear any noisemxz傲朋学习网

C. Yes. I didn't hear youmxz傲朋学习网

D. No. I didn't hear a thingmxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

3.  Tom is waiting ___D___ the doctor.mxz傲朋学习网

A. to seemxz傲朋学习网

B. to seeingmxz傲朋学习网

C. for seemxz傲朋学习网

D. for seeingmxz傲朋学习网

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4.  "Oh, I'm sorry," he ___B__ her.mxz傲朋学习网

A. criedmxz傲朋学习网

B. toldmxz傲朋学习网

C. apologizedmxz傲朋学习网

D. saidmxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

5.  Richard:You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner,Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu:___A___mxz傲朋学习网

A. I'm glad you enjoyed it.mxz傲朋学习网

B. Oh,I'm afraid I didn't cook very well.mxz傲朋学习网

C. Come again when you are free.mxz傲朋学习网

D. It's not necessary for you to say so.mxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

6.  I'm not sure which restaurant __C___.mxz傲朋学习网

A. to eat onmxz傲朋学习网

B. eating atmxz傲朋学习网

C. to eat atmxz傲朋学习网

D. for eatingmxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

7.  Today, many cultures divide music __B___ art music and music of the people.mxz傲朋学习网

A. frommxz傲朋学习网

B. intomxz傲朋学习网

C. overmxz傲朋学习网

D. beneathmxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

8.  Tests provide grades, but they also let you know what you need to spend more time ___D__ and they help make your new knowledge permanent.mxz傲朋学习网

A. to studymxz傲朋学习网

B. studymxz傲朋学习网

C. studiedmxz傲朋学习网

D. studyingmxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

9.    My brother is four years older than me and someone I lookmxz傲朋学习网

___A___ to, even though he is shorter than me.  mxz傲朋学习网

A. upmxz傲朋学习网

B. downmxz傲朋学习网

C. belowmxz傲朋学习网

D. overmxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

10.  Desk Clerk:Good afternoon,Holiday Inn.mxz傲朋学习网

Customer:Hello,I'd like to book a double room for the nights of 23rd and 24th please.mxz傲朋学习网

Desk Clerk:___B___mxz傲朋学习网

A.  What's the matter?mxz傲朋学习网

B.  Just a minute, pleasemxz傲朋学习网

C.  What can I do for you?mxz傲朋学习网

D. Can I help you?mxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

11.  People say fish and chips is typical___A___ Britain.mxz傲朋学习网

A. ofmxz傲朋学习网

B. frommxz傲朋学习网

C. tomxz傲朋学习网

D. withmxz傲朋学习网

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12.  I suggested ___C__ fishing.mxz傲朋学习网

A. that we goingmxz傲朋学习网

B. that we to gomxz傲朋学习网

C. that we gomxz傲朋学习网

D. that we wentmxz傲朋学习网

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13.   Maria: Morley, where are the cookies. Don't tell me you ate them all!mxz傲朋学习网

Morley: Yes, I did. _____C____ .  mxz傲朋学习网

A. I couldn't bear it.mxz傲朋学习网

B. They were too good to eatmxz傲朋学习网

C. I couldn't help it.mxz傲朋学习网

D. They were good to eatmxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

14.   Richard:You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Liu.mxz傲朋学习网

Mrs. Liu:____A__mxz傲朋学习网

A. I'm glad you enjoyed it.mxz傲朋学习网

B. Oh,I'm afraid I didn't cook very well.mxz傲朋学习网

C. Come again when you are free.mxz傲朋学习网

D. It's not necessary for you to say so.mxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

15.  Quite a lot of people watch TV only to __C____ time.mxz傲朋学习网

A. wastemxz傲朋学习网

B. spendmxz傲朋学习网

C. killmxz傲朋学习网

D. pastmxz傲朋学习网

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16.  Speaker A: Want to come over Thursday for supper? Speaker B: ____C___ .mxz傲朋学习网

A. I really can't. You'll not mind, I thinkmxz傲朋学习网

B. Let's put it off till latermxz傲朋学习网

C. Thanks, but I have to work that eveningmxz傲朋学习网

D. No, I don't want tomxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

17.  It seemed as if all of a ___A__ the animal had smelt danger in the air.mxz傲朋学习网

A. suddenmxz傲朋学习网

B. momentmxz傲朋学习网

C. minutemxz傲朋学习网

D. oncemxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

18.  Sea birds ___A___ penguins live on the Antarctic Peninsula, because the weather isn't quite so terrible there.mxz傲朋学习网

A. likemxz傲朋学习网

B. dislikemxz傲朋学习网

C. likelymxz傲朋学习网

D. unlikelymxz傲朋学习网

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19.  Paul: Can I help with your luggage?mxz傲朋学习网

Lisa: ___B___.mxz傲朋学习网

A.  No, many thanks. I can domxz傲朋学习网

B. No, thanks. I can manage itmxz傲朋学习网

C. No, not necessary. Thank you anywaymxz傲朋学习网

D. No, you needn't. Thank you anywaymxz傲朋学习网

     满分:4  分mxz傲朋学习网

20.  Waiter: Welcome, sir. May I help you? Customer: ___D___mxz傲朋学习网

A. Thank you. I'll have fried tofu and stir-fried cauliflower.mxz傲朋学习网

B. Sorry. I don't need your help, thank you.mxz傲朋学习网

C. If you want to help me, I'll be glad to accept it.mxz傲朋学习网

D. Yes, please. I'd like a hamburger and a chocolate shake.mxz傲朋学习网

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21.  I've never seen __C___ deer in the park before.mxz傲朋学习网

A. that muchmxz傲朋学习网

B. so muchmxz傲朋学习网

C. so manymxz傲朋学习网

D. as muchmxz傲朋学习网

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22.  If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you ___D__ much better now.mxz傲朋学习网

A. must have feltmxz傲朋学习网

B. might have feltmxz傲朋学习网

C. would have feltmxz傲朋学习网

D. would feelmxz傲朋学习网

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23.  Guest: Oh, it's ten o'clock. I'd better go now.mxz傲朋学习网

Host: __D____  mxz傲朋学习网

A. OK. Please walk slowly.mxz傲朋学习网

B.  Why do you want to go now? Don't you want to stay?mxz傲朋学习网

C. Yeah, it's really late. Why not immediately?mxz傲朋学习网

D. Won't you stay for another cup of coffee?mxz傲朋学习网

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24.  Doctor: ____B___mxz傲朋学习网

Patient: I've caught a bad cold and got a sour throat.mxz傲朋学习网

A. Do you have anything to declare, sir?mxz傲朋学习网

B. What seems to be the problem?mxz傲朋学习网

C. Good morning. May I help you?mxz傲朋学习网

D. How have you been getting along recently?  mxz傲朋学习网

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25.  Tom is going to a concert tomorrow evening. So ___B___.mxz傲朋学习网

A.  I ammxz傲朋学习网

B. am Imxz傲朋学习网

C. I willmxz傲朋学习网

D. will Imxz傲朋学习网

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