
Translate the following sentences into English using the words in the brackets. 1 他不知所措,因为对他来说开山修路是件新鲜事。(build roads through mountains) 2 但不是人人都同意你的观点,认为男人和女人具有同样的能力。(agree with) 3.这个男人喜欢看报,也喜欢照料小孩。(look after) 4.我们认为有必要制定禁止在公共场所吸烟的法规,并严格地加以实施。(enforce) 5.如今人们购物时不得不考虑环境问题,比如某一产品是否对环境有害。(such as) 6.他常常做一些有助于同学的小事,因此很受欢迎 (popular)。(do small things) 7.卡罗尔读完高中就找到了相当好的工作,然后便结婚了。(get married) 8.医生走到病人身旁,询问他的病情、病历及大概情况。(approach) 9.虽然我对经商一无所知,但我能提供良好的翻译服务。(provide) 10.如果音乐、电影、电话也能随着你在屋里移动,家庭生活会更舒适。(follow) Translate the following sentences into Chinese.NEY傲朋学习网
1.        The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in l90l, and they very soon became the greatest honor that a person could receive in these fields. 2.We’ve changed dozens of words describing jobs. 3.The day Amy learned of the car accident and her parents’ death in Sydney, she realized what it really meant to be the eldest in the family. 4.He states that people working in the some office must sit near each other, and the cost of changing offices to avoid smoke is too great. 5.One woman in New York has 187 belts in her house, and most of them have never been used or even looked at. 6.Sometimes, apologizing for something you’ve done, or forgiving someone else, or refusing to get angry are all small acts of love. 7.The most wonderful thing about having found Bill so early is that I’ve always had someone to share in my successes. 8.Nothing was said, but it was easy to tell that a message had been sent and had also been received. 9.As you walk through the house, you might not notice the lamps ahead of you slowly getting bright and the lamps behind you going dark. 10.There are also stores owned by Chinese, Ethiopians, a Jewish butcher, two Hispanic food stores, an American bar, and several cafés.

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